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31 March 2014

Review: He Belongs With Me by Sarah Darlington

Review: He Belongs With Me by Sarah Darlington

Author: Sarah Darlington
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
He Belongs With Me

Identical twins, Maggie and Clara Ryder, both grew up with Leo Maddox, billionaire playboy, apparent alcoholic, and heir to his grandfather's world-famous Maddox hotel empire. Their roles were cemented long ago: Maggie, as his best friend and Clara as his childhood nemesis.

But when a simple twist of fate changes everything and both girls start to fall for the lean, mean, ridiculously sexy and seemingly spoiled Leo... which girl will win his heart?

Throw in a little mischief, drama, and one smoking-hot bartender and lines are sure to blur. But one thing's for certain, neither good-girl Maggie nor rebellious Clara will be satisfied until they each figure out where they belong. 


How to best describe this book? Hmmm.... it's like a Shakespeare's piece with a little Gossip Girl throw in there. Really, it's more of a romantic comedy novel, so you can help yourself and lough out loud to their antics.

So... the story starts with Maggie Ryder who has recently been dumped by her boyfriend, Andrew Wellington, a guy who has been sleeping around with everything that moves, but Maggie was in love with her so she never observed his man whore moves. But, when this happens, suddenly, her twin sister starts to date him....

Yes... it's high treason and Maggie hates her even more if that can be possible (they had a very... competitive childhood while searching their father's attention since their mother is dead), and she has to prove that she's not desperate, even though she is, so she starts to search a a fake date in a bar, where Anita, a very friendly cougar has said she will find a hot man named Dean who can accompany her to this horrible party. And because, like I already said, she's desperate enough, she does it.

Review: Lost in Love (Summerhill, #2) by Kate Perry

                                          Review: Lost in Love (Summerhill, #2) by Kate Perry


Released February 12, 2014

An Adult Contemporary Romance

Published by Phoenix Rising Enterprises, Inc.


Portia Summerhill feels like a loser.

Thirty-something, jobless, and living at home… How could she not? Next to her accomplished sisters, Portia's achievements—or lack thereof—are that much more noticeable.

The one thing Portia can claim is expert knowledge on antiques and her ancestry, and in a moment of serendipity, the perfect job lands in her lap: curator at the Museum of British Peerage. There's one caveat: the museum won't hire her unless she brings the family jewels with her. Or, more specifically, the infamous Summerhill tiara.

Except a cowboy hotelier stands between her and her tiara. Jackson Waite needs help getting his newest posh hotel launched and, luckily for Portia, he's willing to make a trade. If she helps him meet the deadline for his new resort, he'll give her the tiara. Only, the more time she spends with Jackson, the more Portia wonders if she wants the tiara or the man keeping it from her.


Well... I didn't expect to read a story about another Portia so soon, but life is full of surprises...

So, I liked this story it was sweet and very romantic, more so if we have in mind that this story involves a strong willed woman, who needs to reorganize her life and find her own happiness, after her father's death, but I think she was more disturbed when she finds out about his second family (and another sibling) and about his poor skills in business management. But the icing on the cake was finding out that he sold their precious Suncrest Park and all its content!

It was a horrible situation, and I could understand, somewhat, her disappointment. Imagine living all your life around artifacts and binding your time for the moment you are a grown up and finally, you can take in possession your dream house( more like mansion.. but that's a detail), just to be robed by your own father! No less! I would have been furious, and Portia is too but she can't do anything to prevent what has already happened, only to try and make it better.

Recenzie: Ignite Me (Shatter Me/Atingerea lui Juliette #3) de Tahereh Mafi

                                 Recenzie: Ignite Me (Shatter Me/Atingerea lui Juliette #3) 
                                                        de Tahereh Mafi

Ignite Me (Shatter Me, #3) 
The heart-stopping conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Shatter Me series, which Ransom Riggs, bestselling author of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, called “a thrilling, high-stakes saga of self-discovery and forbidden love.

With Omega Point destroyed, Juliette doesn’t know if the rebels, her friends, or even Adam are alive. But that won’t keep her from trying to take down The Reestablishment once and for all. Now she must rely on Warner, the handsome commander of Sector 45. The one person she never thought she could trust. The same person who saved her life. He promises to help Juliette master her powers and save their dying world . . . but that’s not all he wants with her.

The Shatter Me series is perfect for fans who crave action-packed young adult novels with tantalizing romance like Divergent by Veronica Roth, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, and Legend by Marie Lu. Tahereh Mafi has created a captivating and original story that combines the best of dystopian and paranormal, and was praised by Publishers Weekly as “a gripping read from an author who’s not afraid to take risks.” Now this final book brings the series to a shocking and satisfying end.

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cea mai sigura si rapida livrare!


Ştiţi senzaţia aceea când ridici o carte în mână şi nu îndrăzneşti să o treci de coperta atractivă şi titlul îndrăzneţ care promite multă acţiune şi andrenalină? Genul acela de carte ce îţi promite atât de multe, dar ţie îţi este mult prea teamă să o citeşti din cauza unor zvonuri (recenzii de pe Goodreads...)?

Dar, după aceea citeşti prima frază şi eşti cucerit pe loc? Exact aceasta a fost experienţa mea cu seria Spulberă-mă! Am amânat ani... ANI, DRAGII MEI!  Am avut timp la dispoziţie, de fapt am achiziţionat titlul imediat ce a apărut în România, dar mi-a fost mult prea teamă că lectura va fi dezamăgitoare. Speram să fie cazul, dar dubiile au persistat, iar eu am cedat în faţa lor...

În mod normal, aş posta recenziile primelor două titluri, dar cred normalul e supraestimat, deci...

Blitz Post Info: Mr Right and Mr Wrong by Grigory Ryzhakov

Book & Author Details:

Mr Right and Mr Wrong by Grigory Ryzhakov
Publication date: September 1st 2013
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Romance

Having two admirers can be a real headache, especially when a tough agronomy course at Imperial College comes on top of that, not forgetting a part-time job at a florist’s and a mother desperate to marry you off.

Have I mentioned a stalker who keeps sending roses, and a Professor who thinks it’s fine to bury you under an extra pile of academic papers? Arrrgh!

Blake may be cute and charming, but Terrence is no less attractive in his business suits. What is a poor girl to do? Dating both of them is the right thing if you listen to Trish and that’s exactly the way Kurt handles his men.

Party after party, you have to deal with these bouts of guilt mixed with hangovers while mulling over the same dilemma over and over again – Blake or Terrence? Terrence or Blake?
Think, Chloe, think!

Mr Right & Mr Wrong is a wonderfully warm and witty yet thoughtful romantic comedy, from which you will not only pick up tips on the intricacies of London dating, but also discover a few moral and ethical aspects of plant neurobiology. Not so much chick lit as chic lit, offering sophistication alongside Chloe’s amusing complications.


30 March 2014

Recenzie: The Blacklist (serial 2013)

    Raymond Reddington este unul dintre cei mai căutaţi oameni din lume. El a săvârşit numeroase crime, jafuri şi ilegalităţi, dar nimeni nu a reuşit să-l prindă în 20 de ani. Ei bine ceva s-a schimbar, iar Red decide să se predea. De ce acum? Nimeni nu ştie, dar criminalul nostru decide să facă lumină în acest caz. El susţine că a întocmit o listă numită "The Blacklist" (Lista neagră) în care se regăsesc numele unor criminali despre care nimeni nu a auzit niciodată. "Balenele" aşa cum numeşte Reddington cazurile cu adevărat interesante, sunt greu de prins, dar nu imposibil. Cu toate astea el are câteva cerinţe, prima dintre ele este că va vorbi doar cu Elizabeth Keen, a doua să aibă imunitate şi a treia să lucreze cu doi oameni în care are încredere. Elizabeth nu ştie de ce Reddington este interesat să vorbească doar cu ea, aşa că începe să-i pună întrebări, dar este imediat aruncată într-un amalgam de întrebări, pe care criminalul nostru i-le ţese în minte. Niciodată să nu ai încredere într-un criminal, dar ce se întâmplă când circumstanţele sunt de aşa natură încât trebuie să te încrezi într-o persoană care te poate trăda în orice secundă? E ca şi cum ai merge pe un fir la mare înălţime şi încerci să-ţi şi echilibrul ştiind că la un moment dat vei cădea. Exact asta se întâmplă şi aici, întrebarea este când va veni acel moment?

    Fiecare episod ne arată o altă faţă a criminalităţii, a violenţei şi a egoismului. Fiecare pentru el, iar regula tăcerii odată încălcată poate fi fatală. Nimeni nu este ceea ce pare, iar Reddington deşi un monstru vrea să o apere cu orice preţ pe Elizabeth, chiar şi cu preţul vieţii altor persoane. Nu-i pasă de nimeni şi niciodată nu i-a păsat până acum, când a intrat în viaţa acestei fete.

     Câteodată îl veţi urî pe Red alte dăţi veţi vrea să-i fiţi alături sau pur şi simplu îi veţi da dreptate, dar niciodată nu vă veţi îndoi de judecata lui pentru că indiferent de natura sa criminală un lucru este cert, inteligenţa sa este incomparabilă şi necesară. Logica lui de neclintit, iar judecata sa greu de zdruncinat.

Nota mea 5/5

Recenzie: Cele Tre1spr3zece Motive de Jay Asher

ceva mai greu decât sinceritatea

Nu poţi privi viitorul
Nu te poţi întoarce în trecut
Poţi afla secretul doar
…apăsând butonul „Play”.

CLAY JENSEN nu vrea să ştie nimic despre casetele pe care le-a înregistrat Hannah Baker. Hannah a murit. Şi secretele ei ar trebui îngropate odată cu ea.
Dar vocea acesteia îi spune că numele lui se regăseşte pe casete – şi că, într-un fel, el este responsabil de moartea ei.
Pe tot parcursul nopţii, Clay ascultă înregistrările. Merge pe urmele indicaţiilor lăsate de Hannah, prin orăşelul în care locuieşte… şi ceea ce descoperă îi va schimba viaţa pentru totdeauna.

În curând, un film produs de Universal Studios, având-o în rolul principal pe Selena Gomez.

Vreau să mulţumesc noului nostru sponsor Librăria online Librex pentru această carte deosebită!

Cred că această melodie se potriveşte foarte bine.

“ If you hear a song that makes you cry and you don't want to cry anymore, you don't listen to that song anymore.

But you can't get away from yourself. You can't decide not to see yourself anymore. You can't decide to turn off the noise in your head.”

Gândurile mele (Simona): "Cele treisprezece motive" este o carte în care cu toţii ne putem regăsi la un moment dat. Ea ne arată partea urâtă a persoanelor din liceu, care ne pun la zid şi ne cataloghează fără ca mai întâi să ne cunoască, sau care şi mai rău ne cunosc şi se folosesc de secretele pe care le împărtăşim cu ei pentru a ne face rău. Hannah Baker este o fată care a pătimit multe pe perioada liceului, a fost iubită, trădată, bârfită, ignorată, apoi trădată iar. Niciodată nu a avut parte de o luptă dreaptă, armele ei nu existau, iar cei care trebuiau să-i fie alături dădeau înapoi din cauza "reputaţiei proaste", pe care alţii au creat-o în locul ei.

“A lot of you cared, just not enough.”

29 March 2014

Blog Tour: Review: Sway with Me by: Shelly Bell

Sway with Me
By: Shelly Bell

When ex-millionaire Ryan Sullivan learns he and a sexy stranger inherited a mansion with the condition they must first live in it together for three months, he doesn’t see the downside. In ninety days, they’ll sell the house and walk-away millionaires. He didn’t count on falling for the ethereal woman he’s forced to live with and vowed not to touch. Brought up by an eccentric mother who believes she and her daughters are Muses possessing the magic to inspire creativity in the right men, Portia Dubrovsky never gave credence to her mother’s delusions—until Portia meets Ryan the morning after dreaming of him. Craving the permanent home she’s never had, she’s determined to find a way to buy Ryan’s share of the house—one way or another.
As the walls of the luxurious mansion crumble around them, they can’t deny the electricity they share as they dance to the music which only they can hear. But when the music stops playing, will they sell the home and go their separate ways or have they have built a sturdy enough foundation to last a lifetime?

A beautiful story that's the first words that comes in my mind when I think of Ryan and Portia's story. More so is sweet, and somehow, when I think about this story, I think  the title: 'Sway with me'... like 'Let go of your problems,  to your worst parts of your life and let the music take a hold of you...

You know that times when your life seems to be a constant circle of trouble and you can't find a positive fact in all your misery and then... pow... you have on your desk (or kindle) a sweet story, but it seems to only make your misery grow because the story's character have a better life than you have, and so to remind you... again... that life sucks?

Yep- that's how I was thinking those latest days when I had my book's copy and all my thoughts were concentrating on the worst aspects of my life, but then you start reading this story and the laughter comes naturally, all of the sudden life seems more easy and, certainly, less complicated then theirs and you realize that even though, the problems of your life can make your existence miserable, you'll always find your way through tin and that. You just have to stop and let it go...

But let's talk about the story... Ryan Sullivan is an ex-millionaire who had problems in the latest years because he's broke... you may ask yourself if his parents, his family is also broke. The answer will be no- his family, more exactly his parents are full of money and their life is perfect, so no, it is just him the only family member that doesn't have a cent in his pocket, but that is  because of his stupidity when it comes to women. So, when his Uncle dies and he answers to George, his uncle's attorney, he thinks that his friend Braden was pranking him. Once that he realized the layer meant business, Ryan didn't know what he did to deserve an inheritance, but he accept it anyway,because he wants with desperation to escape his financial problems  and be again in the good grace of his parents.

27 March 2014

Blog Tour:Review: Monster by Francette Phal

Accidental Gold digger.
Circumstance forced Eden Mercer to sell herself to Dominic Armstrong for half a million dollars and in return she is to play the dutiful wife in public and submit to him completely behind closed doors.
The Tyrant.

Dominic is Ruthless, manipulative and sadistic but Eden is determined not to break under his cruelty. But how does one persevere when in the clutches of a Monster?


I don't really have words to define the impact that this story had over me.... Really Christian Grey is a child compared with Dominic Armstrong (Not about the BDSM part, because this story doesn't involve something like that- it's about his dominance, the power that he has, that he likes to have in the bedroom over Eden, but more about that later). So... this story begins with Eden trying to commit suicide in the Grafton Highlands, a party that she didn't want to go, but but his Master voice it's all that counts, not her. Yeah, you heard me right- I just said Master, you may ask yourself why I would use such a word to define her husband?

26 March 2014

Book Blitz: GIRL LOST by Nazarea Andrews

Book Blitz: GIRL LOST by Nazarea Andrews

Publication date: 3 May 2014



Northern was supposed to be a fresh start—a place where people didn’t know who I was or how I had spent years in and out of mental institutes. People didn't know about my parents death or the island no one heard of. But when Peter sits next to me in lit class, I can’t stop the memories, and I don’t want to. He looks too much like the boy from the island, and despite my best intentions, coaxes my secrets from me.
 He’s gorgeous, irresistible, a little mad, and completely lost—we are a pair of broken cogs in a world neither of us truly fits into. And he listens when I talk, about the past and the terrifying future. He is somehow gentle and fierce, heartbreaking in his devotion and savage in his defense.
 When Belle, his best friend, shows up, pale and lovely and sick, Peter pulls away from me, a startling withdrawal. It’s a relationship that scares and confuses me. She is at times warm and friendly, and other times is violent and unpredictable.
 Peter says that he wants me, but refuses to let himself get close. And there are secrets, surrounding both of us, that border on nightmares. As the memories close in, as Belle gets sicker and more violent, I’m torn between what is true and what I believe, and what this magical boy knows about my mysterious past.
*Suitable for 17+. A romantic contemporary retelling of the boy who never grew up.

25 March 2014

Blog Tour: Review: Before They Find Us by Michelle A. Hansen

                                                 Blog Tour: Review: Before They Find Us 
                                                               By Michelle A. Hansen

Publication date: November 2013
Genres: Romantic Thriller, Young Adult


I’m going to make you wish you were dead.

Just a text. Seventeen-year-old Rebecca Hales tries not to worry. Probably a wrong number. Not really meant for her, and definitely not related to the crime she witnessed six years ago. Right?

Then two states away, a bomb goes off in her best friend’s locker. Soon Ryan is labeled a terrorist and runs to the safest place he knows—Rebecca’s house in small-town Wyoming. It doesn’t take long for the FBI to show up asking questions. Rebecca lies, of course, and says she hasn’t seen him.

Now she’s neck-deep in it with him, whatever “it” is. The only way out is to return to Vegas, where Ryan is a wanted man. The city of lies and illusion tests Rebecca’s wits as she struggles to find the person who framed Ryan and why.

Is Rebecca’s text linked to the bombing? And what does it have to do with a six year old murder? Rebecca needs to find out before she loses Ryan—and her own life.


BEST BOOK EVER! Okay, maybe on this year, but it was just so good, people. For all the fans of 'Gone Girl' out there, this is for you AND  for all the teenage and young adults, you MUST read this book like... RIGHT NOW.

Seriously, you don't see me so enthusiastic about a book, and in the mos cases I'm not, being a book lover will do that to you, but this book has been a mind fuck, I didn't know for one moment who the killer must be, and all the adrenaline is still making my blood pumping through my veins. PLEASE! PLEASE! For all the lovers of a good book out there, read it, or shall the Gods books make you regret this decision, and they exist I'll tell you that, I've had my fair share of sins and now I regret that lost time...

 In the beginning we have Rebecca, who has nightmares and is terrified, but she doesn't show it because she's a tough girl like that, of a crime that happened six years ago when Kyle Rasmussen kills a girl after he raped her. It was horrible to hear that a golden boy, apparently perfect and the star of that city will do that to a innocent girl. But he did it, and Beck couldn't hide something like that, it's not in her character, and she tells this story to the cops. Kyle is arrested and condemned to spend some time behind the bars.

Blog Tour:Review: 8 Weeks (Time For Love #1) by Bethany Lopez

Blog Tour:Review: 8 Weeks (Time For Love #1)
By Bethany Lopez

Release Date: March 24, 2014


Is eight weeks enough time to earn back the love of someone you've betrayed...the only one you've ever loved?

Shelly has been in love with Cal since they started dating in eleventh grade. Despite everyone saying that the odds were against them, they got married after graduation and built a life together. Now, six years later, she is faced with the ultimate betrayal. Devastated, her first instinct is to call it quits…

After a drunken binge at his best friends’ bachelor party, Cal betrays the one person who has always been there for him, his wife, Shelly. Terrified and realizing she might divorce him, Cal must come up with a way to prove to her that his love is true…

Cal asks Shelly for eight weeks. Eight weeks to convince her that their marriage is worth the fight. Will Shelly be able to trust him again, or will their marriage end the way many others do when faced with opposition… In divorce?

8 Weeks is book 1 in the Time for Love series, but can be read as a stand alone.


I   would like to declare my unconditional love for Bethany Lopez. You may ask yourself why would I say something like that?

Well... I really love their story, it was so deep and emotional, and I don't speak just about their break up....
In the first place, we have a loving and faithful wife, Shelly who waits patiently his return from his best friend bachelor party, only to be given an information that will change her life...

Blog Tour: Review: Flawed Perfection (Beautifully Flawed#1 ) by Cassandra Giovanni

                 Blog Tour: Review: Flawed Perfection (Beautifully Flawed#1 ) 

                                                by Cassandra Giovanni


Bobby Beckerson was the American All-Star hockey player--he was the spitting image of perfection to his family. Goofy, sweet and undeniably gorgeous, he had everything but the one girl he wanted: River Ahlers.

River Ahlers is successful in everything but love. She's been in love with Adam Beckerson since they were kids. Worst of all she's stuck right in the middle of the brother's dueling over everything and anything, and she doesn't even know she's the ultimate prize.

Adam Beckerson was a boy with a guitar, a smile that sunk girl's hearts and a stone wall around his own. He was anything but perfect, and no matter how hard he tried he was nothing compared to Bobby. Sweet, damaged, with boyish good-looks, nobody thought Adam loved anyone but himself. Bobby loved River, River loved Adam and Adam only loved himself--or so everyone thought. Then one night everything changes, and as it threatens to destroy everyone involved a tragedy strikes that will break them all...

GENRE: New Adult Contemporary Romance


I will admit that I wasn't completely happy with the story's ending, but suffice to say is that I'm soooo going to read the next book, but my only hope it's that that novel it' not going to be about another love triangle like this one...

In the start of the novel, we have River who is head over heels in love with Adam, a very talented guitarist very talented, but who is deeply destroyed by his mother's hatred for him and her love for his brother, and that difference between the brother has affected his view on relationship, without so many complicated word, he thinks he's f***** up and doesn't deserve the love of a good woman,scratch that... the love of River. He's so deeply invested in his problems that he doesn't see the way how all of this affects her. Seriously speaking, this girl has waited for him to come around for about ten years, since they were children, that's practically a lifetime of misery that she had to live.

In the meantime, Bobby Beckerson has been in love with her and waiting for her to realize that her love for his brother is wasted because Adam doesn't love anyone but himself...

Book Blitz: Upside Down ( Off the Map #1) by Lia Riley

Book & Author Details:

Upside Down by Lia Riley
(Off the Map #1)
Published by: Grand Central
Publication date: August 5th 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance


If You Never Get Lost, You’ll Never Be Found

Twenty-one-year-old Natalia Stolfi is saying goodbye to painful memories—and turning her life upside down with a trip to the land down under. For the next six months, she’ll pretend to be a carefree exchange student. Everything is going to plan until she meets a surly surfer with hypnotic green eyes, and the troubling ability to see straight through her act.

Bran Lockhart is having the worst year on record. After the girl of his dreams turned into a nightmare, he slunk back to Melbourne to piece his life together. Yet no amount of disappointment could blind him to the pretty California girl who gets past all his defenses. He’s never wanted anyone the way he wants Talia. A single semester abroad won’t cover something this serious. But when Bran gets a stark reminder of why he stopped believing in love, he and Talia must decide if what they have is once-in-a-lifetime . . . or if there’s a plane to California with her name on it.

UPSIDE DOWN (Off the Map #1) by Lia Riley/Excerpt One

“Never have I ever worn handcuffs,” I say.

Bran reaches over, yanks the lid off the water bottle and takes a sip.

“Really?” My stomach lurches at the idea of another girl within five feet of him.

“Once. Wasn’t for me. I prefer more control, you know?”

“Nope—not really.” My sex life is shorter than a haiku. I bite my inner cheek and pretend not to notice his gaze slant toward me. “All right, Kink Boy, your turn.”

“Never have I ever done something I regret.”

I giggle but he looks dead serious. “Wow, that must make you alone in the universe.” I take a drink.

“Your smile, it lights up your whole face, but your eyes stay sad.”

Is he being serious or is this yet another bait? “Never have I ever sleepwalked.”

Bran drinks. “When I was eight, my neighbors woke to me in their bedroom. Don’t remember a thing. Lucky they didn’t call the coppers.”

“Whoa, crazy. Do you still do it?”

24 March 2014

Recenzie: The Indigo Spell (Bloodlines#3) de Richelle Mead

                               Recenzie: The Indigo Spell (Bloodlines#3) de Richelle Mead


The Indigo Spell (Bloodlines, #3)Sydney Sage is an Alchemist, one of a group of humans who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the worlds of humans and vampires. They protect vampire secrets--and human lives."
In the aftermath of a forbidden moment that rocked Sydney to her core, she finds herself struggling to draw the line between her Alchemist teachings and what her heart is urging her to do. Then she meets alluring, rebellious Marcus Finch--a former Alchemist who escaped against all odds, and is now on the run. Marcus wants to teach Sydney the secrets he claims the Alchemists are hiding from her. But as he pushes her to rebel against the people who raised her, Sydney finds that breaking free is harder than she thought. There is an old and mysterious magic rooted deeply within her. And as she searches for an evil magic user targeting powerful young witches, she realizes that her only hope is to embrace her magical blood--or else she might be next.

Mulţumesc frumos librăriei Books Express pentru oportunitatea de a citi această carte!

Libraria Books Express. Cele mai multe carti in limba engleza,
cea mai sigura si rapida livrare!


Cred că am menţionat deja că inima mea va bate pentru totdeauna în ritmul numelui Adrian Ivashkov... bine, asta e stânjenitor, puţin... dar nu mă pot abţine! În această carte el ne prezintă acea imagine care ne-a făcut să ne îndrăgostim de el în Academia Vampirilor (să nu-mi spuneţi doamnelor, că nu aţi fost dezamăgite, puţin, când Rose l-a ales pe Dimitri, după ce Adrian a fost atât de atent, răbdător şi iubitor cu ea în 'Limitele Spiritului'? 

Ei bine... mi-am dorit să revăd acea faţă a lui, care m-a cucerit irevocabil- iar acum... ahhh... a fost perfect... haios, grijului, sarcastic, PROTECTOR (dap, nu doar Dimitri poate să fie aşa), cu alte cuvinte un iubit în devenire perfect....

De ce în devenire? Pentru că Sydney i-a spus clar şi concis că cei doi nu vor fi împreună niciodată, sub nicio formă, în veci vecilor....dap, l-a spulberat complet în încheierea romanului 'Golden Lily şi, chiar dacă a stat puţin bosumflat şi iritant de drăgăstos în colţul lui, cel puţin pentru un timp, Adrian s-a decis să preia în mâini frâiele situaţiei şi să o convingă, cu răbdare şi statornicie, că sunt perfecţi unul pentru celălalt!

Astfel începe romanul. Sydney se pregăteşte să se îmbarcheze pentru cursa către Curte, unde se va desfăşura nunta lui Sonya cu Mihai, vă amintiţi de ei? Ei bine, acum cei doi sunt în sfârşit fericiţi, iar totul pare să decurgă perfect, doar că se întâmplă ceva ciudat cu Sydney...

Cover reveal: Prophecy of the Most Beautiful (Oracle of Delphi #1) by Diantha Jones


Prophecy of the Most Beautiful by Diantha Jones
(Oracle of Delphi #1)
Publication date: March 1st 2012
Genres: Fantasy, Mythology, Young Adult


She has a destiny so great that even the gods fear her.

Constant hallucinations and the frequent conversations with the voices in her head, have earned eighteen-year-old Chloe Clever the not-so-coveted title of “Whack Job” in her home town of Adel, Georgia. With the onslaught of prescription medications and therapists threatening to push her over the edge, she wishes for a life far away from the one she has, a life where she is destined to be more than the butt of everyone’s jokes and mockery.

Be careful what you wish for has never rung more true.

After living through an attack from her worst nightmare, she awakens to find herself far from home, surrounded by glorious riches and servants…and a few demigods who enjoy killing things. Upon learning that her favorite rockstar is an Olympian god, she is thrust into her new life as the Oracle of Delphi, the prophesier of the future, and the great Pythia that the gods have been anxiously awaiting to arrive for centuries. Setting out to fulfill the prophecy she has been given and to keep her family safe from a demigod Princess that wants her dead, Chloe learns of how great she is to become, all the while fighting mythical monsters, evading divine assassins and trying to outwit the ever-cunning Greek gods who harbor secrets of their own. In the hopes of discovering the Most Beautiful and the truth of her destiny, she strives to uncover the mysteries of the demigod Prince who has sworn to protect her with his life…and threatens to win her heart in the process.

23 March 2014

Recenzie: Helix (serial 2014)

    O echipă de cercetători este trimisă în Antarctica la o bază de cercetare. Ajunşi acolo căpitanul echipei Alan îşi găseşte fratele într-o stare de degradare foarte avansată, acesta fiind infectat de un virus necunoscut. Lucrurile iau o turnură deloc plăcută atunci când acesta reuşeşete să scape şi să atace alţi oameni din interiorul bazei. Situaţia scapă de sub control, iar echipa trebuie să lucreze rapid pentru a detecta originea virusului. Doctorul Hatake cel care le-a cerut ajutorul se pare că nu le oferă transparenţa de care ar fi nevoie, iar Alan începe să devină confuz şi iritat de încăpăţânarea doctorului de a păstra secrete importante care i-ar putea ajuta să dezlege misterul.

Recenzie: Before Jamaica Lane ( Pe Strada Dublin #3 ) de Samantha Young

                      Recenzie: Before Jamaica Lane ( Pe Strada Dublin #3 )
                                                       de Samantha Young


Before Jamaica Lane (On Dublin Street, #3) One simple lesson in seduction between two friends can turn into so much more…

Despite her outgoing demeanor, Olivia is painfully insecure around the opposite sex—usually, she can’t get up the nerve to approach guys she’s interested in. But moving to Edinburgh has given her a new start, and, after she develops a crush on a sexy postgrad, she decides it’s time to push past her fears and go after what she wants.

Nate Sawyer is a gorgeous player who never commits, but to his close friends, he’s as loyal as they come. So when Olivia turns to him with her relationship woes, he offers to instruct her in the art of flirting and to help her become more sexually confident.

The friendly education in seduction soon grows into an intense and hot romance. But then Nate’s past and commitment issues rear their ugly heads, and Olivia is left broken-hearted. When Nate realizes he’s made the biggest mistake of his life, he will have to work harder than he ever has before to entice his best friend into falling back in love with him—or he may lose her forever…


Dragii mei, fără nici cea mai mică îndoială- aceasta este una dintre cele mai bune cărţi pe care am avut plăcerea să le citesc anul acesta. Lăsaţi Pe Strada Londra sau Pe Strada Dublin, acest roman vă va fura inimile şi Nate va deveni cel bun iubit din cărţi!

Serios, cât timp am cititi această carte nu mai îmi doream să se sfârşească- atât de extraordinară am fost şi pentru o perioadă lungă de timp, niciun alt băiat nu se putea ridica la nivelul lui (desigur până când l-am cunoscut pe Drew din 'One week girlfriend', dar cu altă ocazie...)

Cum începe totul?

Ei bine... în incipit ne reîntâlnim cu personajele pe care le-am cunoscut în romanul 'Pe Strada Londra'- pentru cei care nu aţi citit încă aceea carte, grăbiţi-vă şi nu mai cititţi în continuare pentru că veţi avea parte de unele spoilers!

Cam îşi sărbătoreşte ziua lui de naştere împreună cu prietenii lui- Nate, Olivia, Braden, Joss, Ellie, Adam şi desigur, Jo, mai exact, aceasta din urmă în stilul ei caracteristic s-a hotărât să-i facă o surpriză iubitului ei şi îi 'târăşte' prin ger către un bar care poartă aceeaşi denumire ca şi Cam. Ceilalţi nu sunt foarte fericiţi de comportamentul ei, dar prieteni fiind se bucură de compania celuilalt şi sărbătoresc acest eveniment în linişte. Probabil că vă întrebaţi de ce am menţionat un detaliu aparent insignifiant...

Ei bine, încă din acest moment se preconizează comportamentul celor doi eroi ai acestui roman. Dar, să începem cu începutul.. vă mai amintiţi de cine sunt ei?

Olivia este fiica prietenului cel mai bun al tatălui lui Jo, iar Nate este unul dintre prietenii cei mai buni ai lui Cam- de fapt, el a fost cel care l-a încurajat pe Cam să nu îi fie teamă de sentimentele lui pentru Jo.

Dar, în acelaşi timp Olivia este o bibliotecară drăguţă, inocentă şi când spun inocentă, mă gândesc la sensul propriu al acestui termen, iar Nate este un fotograf şi casanova convins. Nu-i aşa că aparent aceste personaje nu au nimic, dar absolut nimic în comun? Dacă răspunsul vostru este da, aflaţi că vă înşelaţi teribil, pentru că cei doi sunt prieteni apropiaţi, de fapt, Olivia este singura fată şi confidentă din viaţa lui Nate, pe care acesta nu a alungat-o şi nu a încercat să se culce cu ea. Recunosc, părea o relaţie ciudată, până când îi observai cum interacţionau, iar Samantha Young este extraordinară atunci când trebuie să-şi lase personajele să comunice cu cititorul, scriitoarea pune foarte atent accentul pe dialog şi replicile amuzante dar şi acide...

Recenzie: Cum am cunoscut-o pe mama voastra (TV Series 2005-)


                                       Cum am cunoscut-o pe mama voastra(TV Series 2005-)


Stabilit în Manhattan, serialul urmărește viața socială și romantică a lui Ted Mosby și a prietenilor săi Marshall Eriksen, Robin Scherbatsky, Lily Aldrin și Barney Stinson . La începutul episoadelor, personajul principal, Ted, deși nu apare, le povestește celor doi copii ai săi, în anul 2030, evenimentele care au dus la întâlnirea sa cu mama lor. 


Probabil ca v-aţi dat seama din titlu că este un serial de comedie. Sincer este unul dintre cele mai bune seriale de comedie pe care le-am vizionat şi, deşi nu am multă experienţă în privinţa serialelor- cel mai adesea prefer să citesc o carte- pot să spun că este unul dintre puţinele seriale de pe piaţă care deşi prezintă unele aluzii fără perdea, reuşeşte să o facă într-un mod destul de elegant şi foarte umoristic.

Subiectul acestui serial este unul destul de interesant şi original: un tată îşi povesteşte experienţele tinereţii celor doi copii ai lui, experienţe ce includ toate relaţiile lui eşuate, precum şi modul în care şi-a format relaţii de prietenie strânsă cu oamenii din jurul lui. Personal, nu îmi pot imagina cum este să fii atât de deschis cu copii tăi încât să le povesteşti fiecare aspect al vieţii tale amoroase prpriilor tăi copii, sigur sunt de acord că este bine să fii deschis şi apropiat de copii, dar chiar şi până la amănuntul de a descrie femeile din patul tău precum şi nopţile/zilele respective. Nu ştiu... mi s-a părut o atitudine destul de îndrăzneaţă a scenaristului şi a regizorului, totuşi, pentru noi, spectatorii este destul de amuzant să privim acest mic circ cu situaţii intortocheate şi chiar amuzante în drama lor. Cel puţin aşa s-a întâmplat în cazul meu...

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