Review: Lost in Love (Summerhill, #2) by Kate Perry

An Adult Contemporary Romance
Published by Phoenix Rising Enterprises, Inc.
Portia Summerhill feels like a loser.
Thirty-something, jobless, and living at home… How could she not? Next to her accomplished sisters, Portia's achievements—or lack thereof—are that much more noticeable.
The one thing Portia can claim is expert knowledge on antiques and her ancestry, and in a moment of serendipity, the perfect job lands in her lap: curator at the Museum of British Peerage. There's one caveat: the museum won't hire her unless she brings the family jewels with her. Or, more specifically, the infamous Summerhill tiara.
Except a cowboy hotelier stands between her and her tiara. Jackson Waite needs help getting his newest posh hotel launched and, luckily for Portia, he's willing to make a trade. If she helps him meet the deadline for his new resort, he'll give her the tiara. Only, the more time she spends with Jackson, the more Portia wonders if she wants the tiara or the man keeping it from her.
Well... I didn't expect to read a story about another Portia so soon, but life is full of surprises...
So, I liked this story it was sweet and very romantic, more so if we have in mind that this story involves a strong willed woman, who needs to reorganize her life and find her own happiness, after her father's death, but I think she was more disturbed when she finds out about his second family (and another sibling) and about his poor skills in business management. But the icing on the cake was finding out that he sold their precious Suncrest Park and all its content!
It was a horrible situation, and I could understand, somewhat, her disappointment. Imagine living all your life around artifacts and binding your time for the moment you are a grown up and finally, you can take in possession your dream house( more like mansion.. but that's a detail), just to be robed by your own father! No less! I would have been furious, and Portia is too but she can't do anything to prevent what has already happened, only to try and make it better.
So... armed with a Chanel suit her mother lent her, her own name, with the blood of Catherine (her ancester), with the vast knowledge of British history and artifacts around specific noble families, she is confident enough that she will land that post at British's museum... but she doesn't- she just lands on her butt...
Leonard Wexler, or weasel like she calls him behind his back, doesn't need her expertise so he doesn't want to hire her.... at first. But she's also a heir to the Summer's family, so she can get him something more precious... like the Summerhill's tiara or Catherine's tiara, that it'd been given to her by Prussia's king, after an illicit dance in the dark gardens during a soiree in his honor. It should be a simple task- give the tiara and win the curator's position, but how can she do that when her beloved tiara was sold to another person? So... she does what a sane person will do (I know that's debatable...): she goes to the said buyer and try to convince him to give it to her.
Jackson Waite is infuriating, arrogant and so confident that he can charm any woman's panties with just a look, and he can do that but not with Portia, and after a uncomfortable (for the duchess) meeting, Portia is not so confident anymore that she can recuperate that tiara. But, Jackson has more problems- he must prove himself to his father with the hopes of finding his own way after this job. He's sick of pretending to running The Waite Hotel Group when it's his VP, Quinn, the one who does it. So he needs the duchess to help him classify each artifacts to its real price...
But, soon they both discover that working together may prove itself to be a complicated affair when the sparks are flying everywhere...
Portia & Jackson- are two of the main characters (yes- I said two of them), their story, even though it has a bad start it's easy, fluffy and funny- they don't have so many demons to battle, well... with the exception of Jackson's father, Hiram, who never had to submit to anyone's will, so... he will start meddling around and steal the tiara in the hopes that his son will be again submissive and do his biding. Too bad that he doesn't know how much his son is in love or how tenacious his future daughter in law is...
Those two are like day and night- he's laid back, a Texan's boy with cowboy hats and boots who likes his woman flirty and sensual; she's the daughter of a noble family, with born sense of duty, so flirty isn't a word in his vocabulary...
Meredith & Quinn-Meredith was Jackson's ex-fiancee who canceled their future weeding after a traumatic event, that she decided to be a martyr and do it alone. But now, everything changes again- and not in a positive tone, but this time Quinn isn't the man to give up so easily on the woman who he cares. Not after they become lovers....
Final Verdict- a romantic story that presents how two very different cultures can intertwine so easily when loves is all that matters. A story about a duchess and a cowboy...
My rating: 3,5/5
Happy Reading!
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About the Author
Kate has tangoed at midnight with a man in blue furry chaps, dueled with flaming swords in the desert, and strutted on bar tops across the world and back. She’s been kissed under the Eiffel Tower, had her butt pinched in Florence, and been serenaded in New Orleans. But she found Happy Ever After in San Francisco with her Magic Man.
Kate's the bestselling author of the Laurel Heights Novels, as well as the Pillow Talk and Guardians of Destiny series. She's been translated into several languages and is quite proud to say she's big in Slovenia. All her books are about strong, independent women who just want love.
Most days, you can find Kate in her favorite café, working on her latest novel. Sometimes she's wearing a tutu. She may or may not have a jeweled dagger strapped to her thigh...
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