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30 June 2014

Recenzie: Fata de Hârtie de Guillaume Musso

Hey girls! Am tot stat şi m-am gândit ce carte ar merita să fie prima pe lista mea de recenzii…a fost o alegere destul de dificilă având în vedere că am mai multe cărţi pe care le-am devorat la propriu şi pe care le iubesc. Dar o carte care m-a impresionat la propriu a fost Fata de Hârtie. Aceasta m-a făcut să plâng de tristeţe, frustrare şi bucurie, ca într-un final să ajung să mă îndrăgostesc şi să admir stilul lui Guillaume Musso. Un autor absolute genial care mi-a lăsat o impresie foarte plăcută. Dar gata cu complimentele, mai bine vă las pe voi să-mi spuneţi ce părere aveţi.

În primul rând, aceasta este descrierea cărţii:

Tom Boyd este un scriitor celebru, aflat în pană de inspiraţie. Billie este o tânără frumoasă şi rebelă, cu un simţ al umorului neobişnuit. Dar mai e un amănunt: Billie este chiar eroina romanelor lui Tom. Într-o noapte, când el se afla pe marginea prăpastiei, ea prinde viaţă. Şi îi aduce o veste tulburătoare: dacă el nu mai scrie, ea va muri. Astfel începe o călătorie halucinantă, în care Tom trebuie să-şi recapete inspiraţia, ca să poată salva viaţa femeii de care tocmai se îndrăgosteşte. Explozivă şi plină de umor, cu accente de comedie romantică şi thriller, Fata de hârtie sfidează orice scenariu previzibil.

Tom şi Billie vin din lumi diferite, dar care se hrănesc una din alta. Cine va învinge în acest joc dur al seducţiei: realitatea sau ficţiunea?

Gândurile mele (Simona):

Tom este un scriitor cunoscut şi bogat. Până într-o zi când rămâne în pană de inspiraţie şi pierde toţi banii pe care îi avea. De ce? Simplu iubita lui pianistă, celebră şi bogată l-a refuzat când acesta a cerut-o în căsătorie. De aici şi depresia lui şi lipsa de inspiraţie.

Dar culmea, într-o noapte, Tom se trezeşte cu Billie în sufrageria lui…la început el nu credea că este posibil ca o fată ( tocmai eroina din romanele lui ), să iasă din acestea şi să fie chiar în mijlocul sufrageriei lui. Atunci, el a catalogat-o drept nebună!

Dar aceasta începe să-i spună anumite lucruri din romane, dar nici asta nu l-a convins prea mult pe Tom.

El credea doar că fata a studiat foarte bine cartea ca să-l înnebunească pe el.

Treptat ea începe să-l convingă pe Tom că, a ieşit din carte şi că trebuie să continue romanul dacă vrea ca ea să trăiască.

Aventurile prin care trec cei doi îi aduc şi mai mult împreună, aceştia îndrăgostindu-se unul de altul. O problemă ar fi că ea este pe moarte şi el nu poate termina cartea pentru a o salva.

Romanul i-a o întorsătură neaşteptată la sfârşit, când realitatea loveşte puternic personajul nostru, care realizează că a pierdut tot, dar că poate mai are ceva de salvat.

Toate deciziile îi aparţin şi nu vor fi deloc uşor de luat.

Cu o dragoste pierdută, o femeie iubită, care nu este ceea ce pare şi cu un prieten foarte bun care vrea să ajute mult prea mult. Destinul lui Tom va fi presărat cu decizii şi întrrebări. Credeţi că va reuşi să răspundă la ele?

Dacă vreţi să aflaţi citiţi Fata de Hârtie de Guillaume Musso.

Recenzie: Slam (Slam#1) de Colleen Hoover + Concurs!

Recenzie: Slam.Din dragoste pentru Layken de Colleen Hoover

Un roman ca niciun altul, unic… Citiți-l numaidecât! - Tammara Webber, autoarea bestsellerului "E ușor să te iubesc"

Autoarea de bestselleruri Colleen Hoover ne vorbește despre suferința tulburătoare a unei familii sfâșiate de tragedie și legăturile complicate pe care aceasta le naște între doi îndrăgostiți.

După moartea neașteptată a tatălui ei, Layken, de optsprezece ani, rămâne singurul punct de sprijin atât pentru mama sa, cât și pentru fratele ei mai mic. Aparent, ea este puternică și plină de viață, dar, în sinea ei, simte cum își pierde speranța pe zi ce trece.

Apariția unui tânăr schimbă totul. Mutându-se în celălalt capăt al țării, Layken face cunoștință cu vecinul ei, de douăzeci și unu de ani, care are o pasiune uimitoare pentru poezia slam. În doar câteva zile, între ei se înfiripă sentimente puternice și, în sufletul lui Layken, speranța prinde un nou contur.

Dar, după o primă întâlnire plină de trăiri intense, soarta îi lovește în plin, când o dezvăluire șocantă pune capăt noii lor relații. Interacțiunile zilnice devin insuportabile, în timp ce ei se străduiesc să găsească un echilibru între sentimentele ce îi unesc şi secretele ce îi despart.

COLLEEN HOOVER este autoarea bestsellerului Hopeless. Fără speranță, apărut la Editura Epica. Colleen locuiește în Texas, împreună cu soțul ei și cei trei copii ai lor. O puteți vizita pe

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            "Am primit lecții anul ăsta,
                           de la

Băiat de care sunt în mod serios, profund, nebunesc, 
       şi de netăgăduit îndrăgostită. 
Şi el m-a învățat cel mai important lucru din toate... 
                  Să pun accentul 
                      Pe viață."

Gândurile mele (Roxana):

"-Există trei întrebări cărora orice femeie trebuie să fie în stare să le răspundă cu da înainte să-și ia angajamentul față de un bărbat. Dacă răspunzi nu la oricare din cele trei întrebări, trebuie să fugi mâncând pământul.
"Te tratează mereu cu respect? Asta e prima întrebare. A doua e, dacă peste douăzeci de ani va fi la fel cum e acum, ți-ai mai dori să te măriți cu el? Și, în sfârșit, te motivează el să devii o persoană mai bună? Dacă găsești pe cineva cu care poți să răspunzi da la aceste trei întrebări, înseamnă că ai găsit un bărbat bun.” 

Ador să citesc romane contemporane, fie ele pentru adulți, tineri adulți sau adolescenți! Zilele trecute a apărut această polemică in care se discuta vârsta necesară pentru a citi o anumită carte- spre exemplu dacă ai trecut de 18 ani nu ar trebui să fii atât de mândru  în a admite că citești romane YA, iar dacă ai trecut de 30 de ani.... ei bine, ar trebui să te nici măcar să nu te GÂNDEȘTI  să citești o astfel de carte.

Ei bine, eu am 24 de ani... citesc YA și NA la fel de mult (poate chiar mai mult în unele cazuri) ca orice adolescent sau tânăr adult și sunt mândră de acest fapt!

De ce îmi place să citesc aceste genuri literare... ei bine pentru că evocă emoții, așa cum poate nu găsim întotdeauna în cărțile destinate pentru publicul matur. Desigur, citesc și acele genuri-niciodată nu am făcut discriminare și mereu m-am simțit mândră de acest fapt- dar, în aceste genuri literare, emoțiile sunt simțite parcă mai puternic, desigur este de înțeles deoarece majoritatea cuplurilor se află la primii fiori ai dragostei și romanticilor din fire le place să evadeze puțin în confortul oferit de acest tip de lectură pentru a-și reaminti sau visa la trăirea unor astfel de povești...

Câteodată, viața-ți stă în cale. Se proptește toată-n calea ta. Dar nu se proptește toată-n calea ta, pentru că vrea ca tu să renunți și s-o lași să preia controlul. Viața nu se proptește toată-n calea ta, pentru că vrea să te predai și să te lași purtat de ea. Viața vrea să ripostezi. Să-nveți cum să ți-o asumi. Vrea să pui mâna pe topor şi să tai în lemn. Vrea să apuci barosul şi să spargi betonul. Vrea să iei o torță şi să topeşti metalul şi oțelul până când treci de toate și-o înșfaci. Viața vrea să iei tot ce-i așezat, organizat, catalogat, rânduit. Și vrea să le amesteci, să le agiți, să le combini.

"Nu luați viața prea în serios. Pocniți-o în față când are nevoie de o palmă bună. Râdeți de ea."

Slam nu face excepție de la această regulă, fiind o poveste frumoasă de dragoste in care eroii nostri se luptă impotriva propriilor simțăminte, a regulilor societății ce nu le-ar permite atât de ușor să se iubească... și e trist, pentru că tragedia oricum le-a afectat viața, iar relația lor este singurul fapt frumos din viața lor...

Alegeți-vă bătăliile, dar nu alegeți prea multe.” 

În incipit ne întâlnim cu Layken Cohen, o fată normală, ce a avut o familie normală până când o tragedie îi afectează familia și se vede nevoită să ia viața de la capăt, să lupte de data aceasta singură pentru a-i proteja pe fratele și mama ei. Nu este ușor, dar nici nu te poți aștepta la mai mult atunci când ești un adolescent ce își face debutul în lumea adulților. E adevărat că Layken nu mai este chiar o adolescentă, dar a fost ocrotită de părinții ei, astfel încât nu a trebuit să se lupte ca să supraviețuiască . Am reușit să o înțeleg pe Layken din mai multe puncte de vedere decât mi-aș fi dorit, de aceea a fost puțin dureros să o văd încercând să navigheze prin viață, să se adapteze dintr-o dată la mai multe schimbări și situații care i-ar depăși pe cei mai mulți dintre noi. Trebuie să admit că o admir din acest punct de vedere pe Layken și mi-aș fi dorit ca la vârsta ei să fi avut aceeași putere de a merge mai departe, fără a privi constant în urma mea la trecutul pe care l-am avut...

Deci păstrează tu marea. Eu rămân cu Lake.” 

Ea îl cunoaște pe Will Cooper, vecinul ei frumos și sexy care o cucerește de la prima lor întâlnire și astfel, Layken începe să creadă că viața ei se schimbă în bine până când descoperă că viața nu este previzibilă...

Nu vreau să dezvălui prea multe despre intriga acestei cărți, deoarece cea mai mare parte din roman se învârte în jurul ei. Dar vă pot asigura, că nu veți putea nega sinceritatea sentimentelor lor și veți vărsa câteva lacrimi in cursul lecturării pentru că, asemenea tuturor cărților scrise de Colleen Hoover, emoția și drama sunt caracteristicile principale ale operelor ei și dacă v-a plăcut ”Fără Speranță”, atunci vă veți îndrăgosti de Slam.Din dragoste pentru Layken, iar acțiunea nu se oprește asupra unui singur detaliu tărăgănând, ci dimpotrivă veți observa cum Layken interacționeaza cu noii ei prieteni, cu familia ei, mama si fratele mai mic, Kel, care se împrietenește cu Caulder, fratele lui Will.

În ceea ce privește narațiunea, ea este afectată, într/o mai mică măsură de lirism, de fapt astfel va fi explicat titlul romanului, care are mai multe subînțelesuri decât ați crede la prima vedere.

Verdict final- O poveste reală, cu personaje credibile puse în situații extraordinare, veți descoperi/redescoperi emoția primei iubiri interzise, afectată dramă și moarte, de aceea vă sfătuiesc să aveți lângă voi câteva batistuțe, pentru că eu am folosit câteva în timpul acestei lecturi minunate.

Nota mea: 5/5

Lectură plăcută!

Seria Slam:

29 June 2014

Book Blitz:Electric by Emilia Winters

Book & Author Details:

Electric by Emilia Winters
(The Bay Boys #1)
Publication date: June 1st 2014
Genres: Adult, Erotica, Romance


He made her feel electric. Like volts of energy fizzled through her veins, racing, constantly stimulating. It was intoxicating and thrilling. And for the first time in her life, she felt truly alive.

Luke Branford.

Notorious womanizer.

Shameless flirt.

Heir to his family’s multi-million dollar business.

His motto? No love, no relationships. Just pure, carnal sex…no strings-attached.

When prim and efficient Kate Kennedy is hired on as Luke’s temporary assistant, her no-nonsense attitude and blatant dismissal of his advances sparks a challenge he simply can’t resist. But Luke has demons of his own and a tragedy that happened years ago continues to haunt him. Once lines are crossed and rules are broken, will past secrets keep them apart…or bind them closer together?

Note: Intended for mature audiences over 18+. This is a STANDALONE novel and can be read on its own even though it’s part of a series. No cliffhanger!

Emilia Winters has been reading and writing stories since childhood. She discovered her passion for writing romance early on and never looked back. After graduating from the University of California, Irvine with a B.A. in English, she happily pursued her dream of becoming a self-published author. When she's not dreaming up sizzling moments between her characters, she's either watching old reruns of The Golden Girls or drinking tea. She currently lives in California, secretly hoping for rain as she soaks up the sun.

Author links:

Excerpt 1:

Oh. My. God. 

Kate watched, enthralled, as Luke controlled each rep with precision, even as his brow furrowed in pain and concentration. He was working out his arms…and his biceps bulged deliciously from the overexertion. Sweat gleamed off his tan skin, making his arms seem even more defined than they already were.

Kate had known the man was in shape. It was hard to ignore, especially when the jeans he wore to work showcased his thick, muscular thighs, and his shirts, while loose, highlighted his broad chest and flat abdomen. But seeing him put in the work…it was a whole different experience.

Warmth spread in her lower belly and Kate struggled to regulate her breath. Just watching his strong, powerful body was arousing. Her sex gave a throb of agreement between her thighs.

Leave! Turn away and go get breakfast, her mind screamed. But her feet remained rooted in place. Eating food was the last thing on her mind right now.

Luke finished his reps and set the free weights back into their holsters against the wall. He tugged up his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face and Kate just about fell over.

This man is a god, a descendent of Adonis himself.

His abdomen was chiseled and taut. Kate’s mouth went dry when she spied a trail of golden, crisp hairs leading into the waistband of his workout shorts. Fantasies of raking her nails through that trail bombarded her mind and she swayed on her feet in response.

And then electric blue eyes found her own. 


Excerpt 2:

He unlocked the doors and they slid in. It was cold inside, but he started the engine to let warm air filter in. The familiar smell of Luke—and even the old cigarette smoke smell—comforted her and she breathed it in greedily.

“Stay with me again tonight,” he requested quietly, his hands resting on the steering wheel, letting the windows defrost.

Her head snapped to him. Deep down, she wanted to. So very much. But…Luke Branford was worming his way into her heart, slowly but steadily. She feared he’d make a permanent home if she kept him too close.

Biting her lip, her indecision shone on her features. “I don’t know, Luke.”

“Stay,” he said again. “I don’t want to sleep in that bed with your smell all over the sheets, knowing you’re not there to keep me warm.”


Her breath whooshed out of her body. She could already feel herself starting to cave. The thought of curling into his body tonight was heavenly. But she still shook her head. “We have work tomorrow. I don’t have my work clothes.”

“We’ll stop by your apartment tonight so we don’t have to in the morning,” he answered simply. Everything was simple for him. She liked that about him. “Stay with me, Kate.” He switched tactics. “Just give me a ‘yes’ or a ‘no.’”

She stared at him, feeling warmth seep back into her flesh. The windows were almost completely defrosted, so he’d either take her home and say goodbye for the night or they’d go back to Luke’s. The thought of going back to her apartment left her cold. She wanted to smell sage and cedar wood when she drifted off to sleep tonight.

She made her decision.


28 June 2014

Review: Love is a Fire (Burning Lovesick, #1) by Lyssa Layne

“Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn your house down, you can never tell.” -Joan Crawford

Dr. Katy Malone has sworn off love after losing those she loves most in her life including her father, a member of the FDNY. She has decided to spend her time focusing on her medical research. Her ex-fiancée, and fellow doctor, isn't ready to give up on loving her though.

Firefighter Nick Garrity is on a search for the future Mrs. Garrity. As he pushes thirty, with no prospects in sight, he's afraid he'll never find her. A devoted member of FDNY, he loves the thrill of his job and the satisfaction it brings him. He strives to teach the proby firefighter, Patrick Doyle, the ropes and pass on his passion to him.

When Doyle tries to impress the guys on the crew, he ends up in the care of Dr. Katy Malone. One look at Dr. Malone and Nick knows he's found his future wife but can he convince her to love again?

About the Author

Lyssa Layne is first, and foremost, the proud momma to her precious daughter, AR. In addition to working full-time and being a mommy to AR, she is also the wife to Matthew, an avid St. Louis Cardinals fan, a runner, blogger, and an infertility survivor.

Having watched one too many medical dramas and being inspired by author Rachelle Ayala, who introduced her to the world of indie writing, Lyssa decided to try her hand at writing a romance story. Her attempt turned into the Burning Lovesick series. You can find Lyssa’s own interests throughout her stories although all stories are fictional.

I don't know how to start this review because I have a lot of mixed feelings about this book. I liked it and I hated it at the same time. Right now there is a war inside my head between my critical side who saw a lot of bad things and mistakes and my cheesy little heart who melted at every page.

In the first place, I don't know how to judge this book; was this a novel or a short story? If this is actually a novel, I am very disappointed. The plot was actually great, it was full of romance and 'aww' moments, it had pretty characters and the writing was pleasing to the eye. I fall in love with Nick from the first page and I was sure that it will be a happy ending. But judging from a novel perspective, this book has a lot of minuses.The action itself was so damn rushed and the relationship between Nick and Katy was forced, all the events were to quickly thrown in the readers head and I didn't actually had time to understand all the new stuff. This was so not a novel. And it didn't seem realistic at all. I need to stop right now because if I say just one more thing I'm going to give a lot of spoilers. It seems to me that this book was just a draft, incomplete and waiting for the next 200 pages so it could be done.

But if I have to say my opinion about this awesome short-story, I will give it 4.5 points because it was definitely my kind of book. I don't have to put logic in this discussion and I can speak from my heart. It's just that kind of story that you can't say bad things about and just love it as it comes.

Based on the fact that this is the first book of Lyssa Layne I can't say that I'm upset or disappointed. It was great for the first book and I wish that she continue writing because the writing, in essence, is good.

I will give this book 3.5 points, but you have to know that I enjoyed reading it and that I am pretty sad because there will not be a second book. I hope, in exchange, that I can read very soon another book of Lyssa :) 

Book Blitz: One, Two, Three by Elodie Nowodazkij

Book & Author Details:

One, Two, Three… by Elodie Nowodazkij
Publication date: June 26th 2014
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult


When seventeen-year-old Natalya’s dreams of being a ballerina are killed in a car accident along with her father, she must choose: shut down—like her mother—or open up to love.

Last year, Natalya was attending the School of Performing Arts in New York City. Last year, she was well on her way to becoming a professional ballerina. Last year, her father was still alive.

But a car crash changed all that—and Natalya can’t stop blaming herself. Now, she goes to a regular high school in New Jersey; lives with her onetime prima ballerina, now alcoholic mother; and has no hope of a dance career.

At her new school, however, sexy soccer player Antonio sees a brighter future for Natalya, or at least a more pleasant present, and his patient charms eventually draw her out of her shell.

But when upsetting secrets come to light and Tonio’s own problems draw her in, Natalya shuts down again, this time turning to alcohol herself.

Can Natalya learn to trust Antonio before she loses him—and destroys herself?




Elodie Nowodazkij was raised in a tiny village in France, where she could always be found a book in hand. At nineteen, she moved to the US, where she learned she'd never lose her French accent. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in Modern Language & Linguistics, and later earned master's degrees in German Cultural Studies and European Studies. Unbeknownst to her professors, she sometimes drafted stories in class. Now she lives in Germany with her husband and their cat (who doesn't seem to realize he's not human), and uses her commuting time to write the stories swirling in her head. She's also a serial smiley user.

Author links:
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Excerpt 1 – from Chapter One
The shortcut to the lake from our home is a dirt road that isn’t well lit, but I know the way by heart. I hurry down the path, tuning my iPod to Chopin’s happier music. But I can’t drown out Mama’s voice. It resonates in my head. It’s my fault! I know she’s wrong because she’s not the one who killed him. I did. If only I didn’t get into an argument with him in the car. If only I had warned him about the truck. I bite back a sob and rip off my knee brace to walk even faster. At first, my knee is stiff, but at least I can extend my leg much better now.

Seeing the lake calms me down, soothes me. This place is always crowded in the summer, but on this crisp September night, there’s no one. The lights surrounding the area flicker, the tall trees leave interesting shadows on the ground, and a discarded pink umbrella stands next to the bench by the grilling area. I turn up the volume of my iPod even more, settle on the bench, and search through my backpack. My pointes show the wear and tear of the last years, and no matter how much I scrub, there’s one smudge that doesn’t want to go away.

Memories flash back when I slip them on: my father handing me a bouquet of lilies after each of my recitals, the crew from the School of Performing Arts sneaking out to get ice cream, the summers I spent on the raft at the lake with Becca and my babushka, the hours at the barre.

Everything’s gone.

Dancing’s always been my escape from reality: from the fights my parents had more and more often, from my babushka passing away all alone at the hospital because no one told me she was sick, from my fears of letting anyone get really close.

Dancing’s always been my future.

Dancing’s always been who I am. So even if I can’t dance like I used to, even if I can’t put too much pressure on my knee, I’m convinced I’ll train my way back to the top, that I’ll show Dr. Gibson and the rest of them that they got it wrong, when they said it was very unlikely I would ever go back on stage. Juilliard postponed my audition and the director of the School of Performing Arts said he was holding a spot for me if I wanted to come back. If I could come back.

I use the bench as my own personal barre, slowly bend my knees, keeping them over my toes. Grounding my heels on the ground, I stretch down as much as I can, but I don’t make it past a demi-plié. I warm up for ten minutes, losing myself in the familiar movements. The stars reflect on the water; it could be the perfect backdrop for a production of Swan Lake. I wish I could position myself for a grand jeté, feel the wind surround me as I fly into the air, but I know better than to jeopardize the progress I’ve made. The last time I tried, my kneecap almost snapped again. Both my knees were smashed in the car crash, but my pivot leg suffered the most.

I angle my feet for some small pas de bourrée. I go faster and faster, until I bump into a rock. Fear steals my breath away. I avoid landing on my leg and instead fall on my ass.

Excerpt 2 – From chapter 4

Unknown number. “Hello?”

“Hi Princesa. Have you thought about which book we should write our report about?”

I fight off a small smile. “Did you really have to call me to discuss this right now?”

“Totally did. By the way, you’ll type the report.”

“No I won’t.”

“Let’s talk about it later tonight. You and me.” There’s shuffle behind him and some laughs. “I’ll call you later.”

He hangs up and I stare at the phone for a second. Shaking my head, I search my bag for the list of books Miss Taylor gave us. I scan it, trying to find one we could work on. My mind wanders to the last time I worked on a project. It was with Emilia and it was for History. She’s a total buff and she promised that if I taught her how to land her grand jeté with even more grace, she’d tutor me. It was a week before the accident, and I never managed to teach her. I never took that History test.

I check the time again and my eyebrows draw together. Mama’s not only a bit late. She’s super late.

Where the hell is she?

27 June 2014

Book Blitz: Third Date by Kylie Keene

Book & Author Details:

Third Date by Kylie Keene
Publication date: June 20th 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance


At 23, Morgan is a little behind other women her age when it comes to dating and relationships. More specifically, she’s a virgin. Dating wasn’t a priority in high school and college, but now that Morgan has a job and her own apartment, she’s ready to jump back into the dating scene.

When Morgan’s friends at work inform her that most men expect sex on the third date, she panics. She’s convinced her lack of experience will be a total turn-off for guys and make for a really awkward third date. Her friends tell her to just do it with a random guy to get it over with, but Morgan isn’t sure that’s what she wants.

When she meets a guy she’s certain is her dream man, she’s ready to lose it on their third date. But doing so isn’t as easy as she thought. And then there’s the fact that she can’t get another guy out of her head.

Through a series of mishaps and misunderstandings, Morgan eventually finds herself at a place she wasn’t expecting, but the place she wanted to be all along.


Excerpt #1

“Okay, here’s the deal. I’m ready to date but I’m kind of lacking in experience.” I wait for their response but they say nothing, so I continue. “What I mean is that I haven’t done the things that you’re claiming men expect on a date.”

“Wait a minute.” Kayla sets her wine glass down. “Are you saying you’re a virgin?”

“Yes.” I sit up straighter, the wine boosting my confidence. “I’m a 23-year-old virgin.”

“Hold on.” Kayla puts her hand up like she’s stopping traffic. “How is that possible? I mean, I know you haven’t dated much but—”

“Don’t listen to her,” Paige says. “I think it’s sweet. And romantic. You’re saving yourself for marriage. A lot of people do that. Good for you, Morgan.” She raises her glass as if we should toast to my virginity.

I ignore her raised glass. “No, I’m not saving myself for anything. In fact I really just want to get the whole sex thing over with, especially now that I know men are expecting it by the third date.”

“That’s not true for all men,” Paige assures me.

“It’s all men.” Kayla pours herself another glass of wine. “So how could this not happen in college?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t go to many parties and I didn’t live in the dorms. I lived at home with my dad, so it just didn’t happen. Plus, I never made it past the first couple dates with a guy. I wasn’t interested enough in any of them to . . . you know.”

“If you can’t even say the word, you’re not going to be able to do it.” Kayla jumps up and starts pacing the floor. “Okay, we can fix this. I can find you a guy who would be more than happy to take care of this for you.”

“She’s not getting her car fixed here.” Paige shoots a dirty look at Kayla, then turns back to me. “You need to find someone who cares about you. Someone who will make this memorable for you.”

“I don’t know if I want it to be memorable. I think I might just want to forget it after it happens and move on.”

“Yes, that’s exactly what you should do,” Kayla says. “My first time was prom night junior year with this guy I was dating. I made it into this huge deal and then it was over in like a minute. And he dumped me the next week. So trust me, the first time sucks. You just want to get it over with.

“You should really think about this some more.” Paige uses her mom-tone, soft-spoken and concerned. “You’ve waited this long. What’s the rush?”

“I’m not in a rush. And I’m not saying I need to race out and have sex. I just need to start dating. But if this third-date rule is a real thing, or even if it’s four or five dates, then I don’t know what to do. I’m completely inexperienced.”

Kayla takes some cheese from the tray and plops down on the couch. “Just have sex and get it over with. I’ve already got someone in mind for you. I’ll see if he’s free Friday night.”

“Friday night? As in this Friday night? That’s so soon. I don’t think I can do that.”

Kayla gets up, grabbing her purse. “You can do it. I’ve gotta go.”

“Morgan, don’t listen to her. You’re not going to have sex with a guy just to get it over with. And you’re not doing it with some random guy.”

“Paige is right, Kayla. That’s just not me. I at least need to know the guy.”

“That’s why you’ll go to dinner first.” Kayla’s at the door, but she turns back and says, “Show me your underwear drawer.”

“What? Why?”

She races to my bedroom. I run to catch up with her, Paige following behind.

Kayla opens my top drawer and pulls out one of my bras. She holds it up. “What is this? Polyester? Beige? It doesn’t even have wires in the cups. No wonder you always look so saggy. Where do you even buy something like this?”

“They come in a two-pack,” I mumble. “You can get them anywhere.”

Paige stares at my beige bra, dangling in the air. “Um, maybe you could get one or two new ones. I could go shopping with you if you want.”

I snatch my bra from Kayla. “But these are really comfortable. And I don’t need that much support. I’m not exactly large-chested.”

Kayla takes it back and checks the size. “34C? That’s not small. You need new bras. Just throw this one out.” She tosses it on the floor and reaches in my drawer again. “Paige, look at this. It gets worse.” Kayla holds up a pair of my underwear. Pink cotton high-cut briefs.

“What’s wrong with those?” I try to grab them but she holds them high in the air. “They’re cut high up on the hip. They’re sexy.”

“You tell her.” Kayla says to Paige. “You’re better at saying things nicely.”

Paige looks at the underwear, then back at me. “Well, I kind of wore ones like that back in middle school. Not that you can’t wear them. I mean, you could work out in them, I guess. But maybe it wouldn’t hurt if you got something a little more, um, appealing to the opposite sex. Maybe something that doesn’t come in a pack of six.”

“What do you wear?” I ask her. “You’re married. You shouldn’t care what your underwear looks like.”

“I’m married, but I still want to look sexy.” She unzips the side of her skirt to reveal her silky black bikinis. “These are my weekday ones. I have better ones for the weekend.”

Kayla keeps snooping in my drawer. “That’s all you have in here? You don’t even have one decent pair of underwear? There isn’t even any variety. They’re all the same style.”

“I stock up every year during the back-to-school sales.” My voice trails off as I realize how pathetic that sounds. I’ve been buying back-to-school underwear! The kind meant for tweens! The kind that’s sold in six packs! “All right. Maybe I could use some new ones.”

Kayla tosses my underwear back in the drawer and closes it up. “I’ve gotta go. But we’ve got some work to do.”

Excerpt #2

I head down to the gift shop, hoping and praying it’s not full of people. Luckily, it’s empty because the lunch session is still going on in the main ballroom.

I search the shop for condoms but can’t find them anywhere. They have everything else; toothbrushes, combs, aspirin, shower caps, tampons, toothpaste.

The young woman working the cash register sees me searching the store like I’m on some type of scavenger hunt.

“Can I help you?” she asks.

The woman is in her twenties and has reddish-blond hair that hangs in loose waves several inches past her shoulders. She has huge breasts and is wearing a short black dress that shows off her long legs. I’m just guessing here, but I would say she’s probably not a virgin. Which means she’s likely found herself in need of condoms before and wouldn’t judge me for buying them at a hotel.

I go up to her and speak softly. “Do you sell condoms here?”

She looks surprised. I’m suddenly offended. Do I look like someone who would never need condoms? I’m no beauty queen but I’m not exactly ugly.

“We keep them back here.” She reaches under the register and opens a drawer. “How many do you need?”

How many do I need? How many does she think I need?

“Um, just one.”

She gives me a strange look. “They come in packs of three or more.”

“Oh, okay. Three is good.”

“Do you want ribbed, flavored, sensitive, extra sensitive, for her pleasure, glow in the dark?”

I had no idea there were so many different types of condoms. I’ve never actually shopped for condoms.

She continues. “For flavored we have cherry, citrus, grape—”

“No. Just plain. No flavors. No glow in the dark. No ribbing.”

“So do you want sensitive? Extra sensitive? For her—”

I hear people starting to leave the ballroom, coming out into the lobby.

“I don’t know. Just give me whatever. It doesn’t matter.”

“For her pleasure.” She holds the package up and smiles. “Why should guys have all the fun, right?” She punches something in the register. “Should I charge it to your room?”

I imagine myself giving the accounting department at work a copy of my hotel receipt with a charge for condoms on it. I’m sure it would just say ‘gift shop’ but with my luck, you never know.

26 June 2014

Cover reveal: Ruined by Marian Cheatham


Ruined by Marian Cheatham
Publication date: Summer 2014
Genres: Romance, Young Adult


When your life has been ruined by lies, do you seek justice … or revenge?

Blythe Messina spends her senior year focused on her studies and college, and not on her ex, Stratford High's lacrosse star, DB Whitmore. At least, that's what Blythe keeps telling herself. But her younger cousin, Bonni, knows otherwise. Same goes for DB, who professes to be over Blythe and their breakup, but his teammates aren’t fooled.

When scandalous photos of Bonni and the lacrosse captain are texted around Stratford, Bonni's virtuous reputation is ruined. She pleads innocence, but no one believes her. No one, except Blythe and DB, who come together to uncover the truth. But, will they stay together? 

Ruined is a modern twist on a classic Shakespearean romance.

"Deceit, loyalty, honor, and romance--Ruined has it all! A teen version of Much Ado

About Nothing that Shakespeare aficionados are sure to savor!”

Kym Brunner, Author of Wanted: Dead or in Love & One Smart Cookie

A native Chicagoan and a graduate of Northern Illinois University, Marian Cheatham taught special education for several years before becoming a full-time writer. She would rather be writing than doing almost anything else, but of course, that isn’t always possible. So when she’s not writing, she enjoys time with her family, gardening, reading, walking the dog, travelling with her husband, and researching new projects. Not necessarily in that order.

Her first novel, Eastland, came out in 2013. Based on the real-life story of the 1915 Eastland boat disaster in Chicago, Marian lectures about the Eastland to schools, libraries, and book clubs. She writes a weekly post on the subject on her Facebook page. July 2014, she will be co-hosting a haunted Chicago tour of Eastland disaster sites.

She also loves anything Shakespeare. An avid reader of Shakespeare’s biographies, she has travelled the world to see his plays, visiting Stratford, Canada as well as Stratford-Upon-the-Avon, GB, and the new Globe Theater in London. Her young adult novel, Ruined, is the first in a series of contemporary re-tellings of those plays. Book Two, inspired by the Merchant of Venice, is due out fall 2014.

She loves to hear from readers, so please visit her at:




                              Twitter - @CheathamMarian


25 June 2014

Book Blitz: Crossing the Line by Nicola Marsh

Book & Author Details:

Crossing the Line by Nicola Marsh
(World Apart #1)
Publication date: May 8th 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance


Laying it all on the line for love…

Mia Cresswell is tired of being good.
Achieving geek status at college doesn’t equate with fun. So when she heads home to her dad’s tennis academy in Santa Monica on spring break, she’s determined to be bad. And hot Aussie tennis star Kye Sheldon is just the guy to help her do it.

However, Kye’s troubled past continues to dog him and attending the Cresswell Tennis Academy is his last chance at the big time. He can’t afford to screw up…by screwing the boss’s daughter.
But Mia and Kye’s relationship is much more than a vacation fling.
Will it be game, set, match, when the truth is revealed?
Or will Mia and Kye have a real shot at love all?



USA TODAY bestselling author Nicola Marsh writes flirty fiction with flair for adults and spooky, supernatural fiction for young adults.

She has published 45 books with Harlequin, Entangled Publishing and indie, and sold over 5 million copies worldwide.

Her first mainstream contemporary romance, BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD (Entangled Publishing) released to rave reviews, including a nomination for RWA's RBY, Romantic Book of the Year 2012.
Her first indie-pubbed contemporary romance CRAZY LOVE released September 2012, is a Barnes & Noble bestseller, and was nominated for a 2012 ARRA award.

Her young adult debut, BANISH, a supernatural thriller featuring Wicca, spirits and murder, released August 2013 with Harlequin Teen.
Her young adult fantasy series with Month9Books launched November 2013 with SCION OF THE SUN.

Her debut new adult novel BEFORE releases December 2013.

She's also a Waldenbooks, Bookscan and Barnes & Noble bestseller, a 2013 RBY and National Readers' Choice Award winner, is a multiple finalist for awards including the Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice Award, HOLT Medallion, Booksellers' Best, Golden Quill, Laurel Wreath, More than Magic and has won several CataRomance Reviewers' Choice Awards.

Author links:

Excerpt 1



I turned toward the girl's voice as she stepped out of the shadows, not sure what annoyed me most. The intrusion or the way she sauntered toward me, all long legs and cocky smile.

She was just my type: tall, sexy brunette with enough hip sway to make a guy wonder what made her so confident, and bedroom eyes that hinted at sin.

Sadly, this devil had just landed in the City of Angels and sin was the last thing on my agenda.

"I'm not in the mood for company," I said, expecting her to head back inside.

She didn't falter as she strode toward me. "Too bad, because I needed some air and this terrace is big enough for the both of us."

I could've left but there was something in the way she was staring at me that had me intrigued: like she wanted me but wouldn't have a clue what to do if she got me.

"Mia." She stuck out her hand. "Pleased to meet you."

"Kye." I reluctantly shook her hand. "Wish I could say the same."

"You don't like girls?" She slid her hand out of mine, the insolent quirk of her lips making me want to do something I shouldn't. Like kiss the smirk off her smart mouth.

"Love women." I took a step back, staring at her feet and slowly sweeping upward in a deliberate perusal meant to make a point. I wanted to make her squirm. It backfired, as I noted red nail polish matching her towering shoes, slim ankles, long legs, tight black dress that ended mid-thigh and hugged her lean bod, and pert tits. The frigging dress had a front zipper that just begged to be undone. Beyond hot.

By the time I reached her face, she was blushing.

"So which am I?" She leaned forward, giving me a generous glimpse of cleavage. "Girl or woman?"

Excerpt 2 

I was in way over my head with this one.

The guys I dated in college were … sedate. Soft-spoken, laid-back guys who talked football and basketball and grades. Guys who were polite and refined. Guys who would play along with goofy crap like what I'd planned.

Guys the antithesis of Kye.

Oh. My. God. Dani had been right. Sex god.

Pity about the attitude.

I didn't go for surly bad boys. Rudeness annoyed me.

But I'd started down this track tonight and if there was one thing I always did, it was finish what I started.

Somehow, my plan had changed between the time I'd left Dani and the time I'd met Kye. Had to have been all of ten seconds from the time he'd stepped out onto the terrace and I'd introduced myself, but I'd known then he was more than a stooge to help me pull off a lame stunt.

There'd been something behind his glower … a hint of vulnerability behind the sneer that made me wonder what a guy like him was doing here. He obviously didn't fit in and I knew the feeling.

As for his sexy Aussie accent? Yeah, that probably had something to do with the fact why I was still hanging around. If only I could encourage him to talk more.

"You can let go now," he said, his low tone making awareness ripple through me. "I won't make a break for it."

I squeezed his hand. "Why don't you let go?"

"Because I'm not the one holding on hard enough to crush every metatarsal in my hand."

"Someone's studying anatomy at college," I muttered, and didn't let go.

I liked holding Kye's hand. Liked the feel of his roughened palm, his strong fingers. Liked the false courage it gave me.

Because I feared if I let go, the last of my courage would disappear and I'd be the one bolting. Back to the safety of my villa, far away from badass Aussies with blue eyes and broad shoulders and a mouth I couldn't stop staring at.

Excerpt 3


I had no idea why I asked the uptight princess to stay.

I should've let her stomp off in a snit after her shitfit.

But there was something about the way she'd stood up to me that had me intrigued.

I'd bet my left ball she was daddy's little angel. She'd virtually confirmed it when she'd blurted all that stuff about her private life.

So her tough girl act, when she'd shoved me around, made me admire her. She had spirit. Fire in the belly, as my mum used to say.

But I couldn't afford to think about Mum now. Not when Mia stared at me with those all-seeing, all-knowing eyes.

"Tell me why you want me to stay," she said, thrusting her chin up a little, daring me to drive her away again.

Considering she'd semi-lifted me out of my black mood, not a chance.

How long since I'd hung out with anyone, let alone a girl? After I'd been booted out of the tennis academy in Sydney for busting that bozo's nose, I'd spent a month at my dad's mansion in Double Bay, on what he'd labeled a good behavior bond.

Hadn't been so bad, as my dad was on location shooting an action flick in Darwin for three of those weeks. And that final week, he'd made arrangements for me to come here.



She rolled her eyes. "Wouldn't have asked if I didn't want an honest answer."

I stepped forward, almost invading her personal space. "I've been in a pretty shitty place lately and you've distracted me."

"So you want me to stick around and distract you some more." She pressed her palms to her heart. "Lucky me."

"I also like that you're a smart-arse."

"I love your accent." Her lips curved into a sexy grin that made me want to step even closer. "Arrrrse," she said, and giggled.

I found myself chuckling along with her. "Let me guess. Your only experience with Australia comes from drooling over the Hemsworth brothers."

To my surprise, she blushed. "I may have seen The Hunger Games five times." She held up both hands, fingers spread. "And The Avengers ten. What of it?"

"Means you've got a thing for Aussie guys." I bumped her with my shoulder. "Lucky me."

She wrinkled her nose, but her blush intensified, making me want to touch her cheeks to see if they felt as hot as they looked. "You'll be the exception to the rule."

"Yet you're here with me now instead of at that party?" I grinned. "Interesting."

Our gazes locked for a long moment and I felt a jolt of something … powerful. I could attribute it to hormones, considering I hadn't got laid in six months, but the spark in her dark eyes made me want to do more than chat with her.

Excerpt 4


Trust me to pick the only bad boy on the planet with a conscience.

I didn't know what else to do to get Kye to sleep with me, bar strip and run around the tennis court naked.

"This isn't a good idea," he mumbled, sounding as tortured as I felt.

Good. Because if we didn't do this within the next five minutes, I'd combust from wanting him.

I pressed against him one last time, wishing I had the guts to touch him there. "We either do this, or you're going to spend the night under a cold shower or working off your frustration on the court."

The moment I said it, I had an idea. A brilliant one.

Trying to hide a triumphant smirk was almost impossible. "How about this. We play one game of tennis. I win, we have sex. You win, we don't."

His eyes narrowed, sizing me up. "You said you played badly, so what's the catch?"

"No catch." I shrugged, mustering my best innocent expression. "Come on. What have you got to lose?"

Apart from the game, because if there's one thing I knew about tennis, it was how to not play fair. I was average on the court. But I'd once watched Dani bring a guy to his knees by seducing him one shot at a time.

Now it was my turn to see if I had what it took to distract a gun player long enough that he fudged four points so we ended up in bed.

"You're giving in too easily." He shook his head. "I don't trust you."

"Shouldn't that be my line?" I smiled and flipped the catch on the storage box tucked outside the fence.

"Fine, we'll play one game, then I'm heading to bed," he muttered, rummaging through the rackets before he found one he fancied: testing the weight in his hand, fiddling with the strings, inspecting it.

"That's what I'm hoping for," I murmured, flashing him a smug grin when he glared at me.

Rusty Nailed (Cocktail #2) by Alice Clayton

Review: Rusty Nailed by Alice Clayton

In this sequel to Wallbanger, fan favorites Caroline Reynolds and Simon Parker negotiate the rollercoaster of their new relationship while house-sitting in Sausalito.
Playing house was never so much fun—or so confusing. With her boss on an extended honeymoon, Caroline’s working crazy-long hours to keep the interior design company running—especially since she’s also the lead designer for the renovation of a gorgeous old hotel. And with Simon, her hotshot photographer boyfriend, gallivanting all over the world for his job, the couple is heavy-duty into "absence makes the heart grow fonder" mode. No complaints about the great reunion sex, though!
Then a trip back east to his childhood home has Simon questioning his nomadic lifestyle. He decides to be home more. A lot more. And he wants Caroline home more, too. Though their friends’ romantic lives provide plenty of welcome distraction, eventually Caroline and Simon have to sort out their relationship. Sure, more togetherness is a good thing—but does less traveling and working have to mean the other extreme? Apple pie and picket fences? With this second book in the Cocktail series, USA TODAY bestselling author Alice Clayton delivers another delicious, frothy confection of a book, shaking up her characters, stirring in laugh-out-loud humor, and serving sizzling romance straight up!
Buy it from here, here and here.

About the Author

Novelist Alice Clayton makes her home in St. Louis where she enjoys gardening but not weeding, baking but not cleaning up after, and is trying desperately to get her long-time boyfriend to make her an honest woman--and please buy her a Bernese Mountain dog.

After working for years in the cosmetics industry as a makeup artist, esthetician, and educator, Alice picked up a pen (read laptop) for the first time at 33 to begin a new career: author. Having never written anything longer than a grocery list, she soon found writing to be the creative outlet she'd been missing since walking away from the theater 10 years before.

She has a great time combining her love of storytelling with a sense of silly, and she was shocked and awed to be nominated for a Goodreads Author award in 2010 for her debut novels, the first two installments of The Redhead Series--The Unidentified Redhead and The Redhead Revealed. Her latest novel Wallbanger is a return to her trademark comedic erotica, or funny smut, that Alice has become known for.

Additionally, Alice loves spending time with her besties on Not Your Mother's Podcast (check them out on iTunes) and has recently partnered with actor Greg Grunberg, blogger Brittany Gibbons, and actress Keili Lefkovitz on a new travel show that will begin filming in January.

Alice enjoys pickles, Bloody Marys, eight hours of sleep and a good pounding.

My thoughts (Roxana):

Thump... thump!

 Oh God!
I will let Rapunzel say it for me:

Thank you, Rapunzel!

Now about the story, but before that-for one last time...

Go Clive! Go Clive! Go Clive!


Shack that ass for us and show us your magic tricks....

You know what to read now? No?

Rusty Nailed, of course! If not for our wallbanger, then do it for Clive. He really needs to for us to read his story... ahem... Simon and Caroline's story.
So... this is the second instalment  in Alice Clayton’s contemporary adult Cocktail romance series that began with Wallbanger. Girls... seriously, don't miss it, because it has everything you want to find - romance, witty banter, hotsot neighbor, ex-master of THE HAREM. This is the man who can make you drop your panties in a second with his hotness and charm. But most importantly, he's a man who wouldn't suffocate you, but also be with you in a heartbeat if you need him. Sounds like the perfect prince charming of our modern times, right?

Well... he is... until he's not. But let me explain... Carolines working crazy long hours to keep the interior design company running, especially since she's also the lead designer for the renovation of a gorgeous old hotel on Sausalito. So with her hotshot photographer boyfriend photografing the world for his job, she and Simon are heavy-duty into 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' mode and for her this is the perfect relationship. This was an aspeect I could easily relate to, because God knows how some of my relationships has ended because of my priorities, so I had known from the first moment when Simon decides to be home more, that this was going to be a problem for them.

But like always, Alice Clayton's writing makes you forget about the drama in the instant you reconnect with the group, because  Neil and Sophia, Ryan and Mimi, and  Jillian and Benjamin are here. And Clive. Of course there he is. Sincerely it's the first time when I go nuts everythime a cat is in the scene. Of course, it's not just any  cat... he is Clive... hilarious, badass, smart-meowing Clive- like always I ADORED him and laughed at the antics and dinamics of our group. But, how could I not?

Because this time, one of the guys does something wrong in the eyes of our girls, and now we have another World War on our hands (and prepare yourself of battle girls, because they don't give up easily). More than that... like I anticipated, pur favorite couple finds themselves facing dificult times with Simon being more home than far away, and Caroline has to find a way to cope with this situation. If it was me in her place... I don't know if I would find my way in his arms again, and not thrown him to the curb, but then again that's Simon that we're talking about, so after all their history (and how sweet, caring and gorgeous Simon is) I did wanted her to chose him over everything and everyone... and she did.

I'm not going to lie... sometimes I hate dramas with all my heart, but this wasn't the case. My opinion on this matter is that if you combine the angst and fury, resentment with humor and do it well... then you have a golden mind on your hands, and Alice Clayton delivers that...

Obviously, we don't have Simon's point of view, but for a man who had a harem at his disposal, he is the perfect boyfriend a girl could want, and  I didn't expect that. I thought that I would myself being disappointed about him, but I'm more than happy that it wasn't this case. More than that, Simon and  Caroline's chemistry is sizzling hot with witty banter and scenes that it makes you laugh and hot in the same time. And even though that I would've wanted more Simon and Caroline's time, after everything I'm more happy that she dedicated a good portion of this book to the other characters, because in the first book I wanted more about Neil and Sophia, Ryan and Mimi.

Final  Decision- If you want a book about hot neighbors, or a book about sexy photographers, or about witty and crazy designers, or about crazy couples, or about wars between members of the opposite sex, or about a cat named Clive who wants to find true love. Or if you want just a really good book, then you're in the right place. Run, don't walk and buy it! Do it for Clive!

My rating 5/5.


Cocktail series

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