In this sequel to Wallbanger, fan favorites Caroline Reynolds and Simon Parker negotiate the rollercoaster of their new relationship while house-sitting in Sausalito.Buy it from here, here and here.
Playing house was never so much fun—or so confusing. With her boss on an extended honeymoon, Caroline’s working crazy-long hours to keep the interior design company running—especially since she’s also the lead designer for the renovation of a gorgeous old hotel. And with Simon, her hotshot photographer boyfriend, gallivanting all over the world for his job, the couple is heavy-duty into "absence makes the heart grow fonder" mode. No complaints about the great reunion sex, though!
Then a trip back east to his childhood home has Simon questioning his nomadic lifestyle. He decides to be home more. A lot more. And he wants Caroline home more, too. Though their friends’ romantic lives provide plenty of welcome distraction, eventually Caroline and Simon have to sort out their relationship. Sure, more togetherness is a good thing—but does less traveling and working have to mean the other extreme? Apple pie and picket fences? With this second book in the Cocktail series, USA TODAY bestselling author Alice Clayton delivers another delicious, frothy confection of a book, shaking up her characters, stirring in laugh-out-loud humor, and serving sizzling romance straight up!
About the Author
Novelist Alice Clayton makes her home in St. Louis where she enjoys gardening but not weeding, baking but not cleaning up after, and is trying desperately to get her long-time boyfriend to make her an honest woman--and please buy her a Bernese Mountain dog.
After working for years in the cosmetics industry as a makeup artist, esthetician, and educator, Alice picked up a pen (read laptop) for the first time at 33 to begin a new career: author. Having never written anything longer than a grocery list, she soon found writing to be the creative outlet she'd been missing since walking away from the theater 10 years before.
She has a great time combining her love of storytelling with a sense of silly, and she was shocked and awed to be nominated for a Goodreads Author award in 2010 for her debut novels, the first two installments of The Redhead Series--The Unidentified Redhead and The Redhead Revealed. Her latest novel Wallbanger is a return to her trademark comedic erotica, or funny smut, that Alice has become known for.
Additionally, Alice loves spending time with her besties on Not Your Mother's Podcast (check them out on iTunes) and has recently partnered with actor Greg Grunberg, blogger Brittany Gibbons, and actress Keili Lefkovitz on a new travel show that will begin filming in January.
Alice enjoys pickles, Bloody Marys, eight hours of sleep and a good pounding.
My thoughts (Roxana):
Thump... thump!
Oh God!
I will let Rapunzel say it for me:

Thank you, Rapunzel!
Now about the story, but before that-for one last time...
Go Clive! Go Clive! Go Clive!

Shack that ass for us and show us your magic tricks....
You know what to read now? No?
Rusty Nailed, of course! If not for our wallbanger, then do it for Clive. He really needs to for us to read his story... ahem... Simon and Caroline's story.
So... this is the second instalment in Alice Clayton’s contemporary adult Cocktail romance series that began with Wallbanger. Girls... seriously, don't miss it, because it has everything you want to find - romance, witty banter, hotsot neighbor, ex-master of THE HAREM. This is the man who can make you drop your panties in a second with his hotness and charm. But most importantly, he's a man who wouldn't suffocate you, but also be with you in a heartbeat if you need him. Sounds like the perfect prince charming of our modern times, right?
Well... he is... until he's not. But let me explain... Carolines working crazy long hours to keep the interior design company running, especially since she's also the lead designer for the renovation of a gorgeous old hotel on Sausalito. So with her hotshot photographer boyfriend photografing the world for his job, she and Simon are heavy-duty into 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' mode and for her this is the perfect relationship. This was an aspeect I could easily relate to, because God knows how some of my relationships has ended because of my priorities, so I had known from the first moment when Simon decides to be home more, that this was going to be a problem for them.
But like always, Alice Clayton's writing makes you forget about the drama in the instant you reconnect with the group, because Neil and Sophia, Ryan and Mimi, and Jillian and Benjamin are here. And Clive. Of course there he is. Sincerely it's the first time when I go nuts everythime a cat is in the scene. Of course, it's not just any cat... he is Clive... hilarious, badass, smart-meowing Clive- like always I ADORED him and laughed at the antics and dinamics of our group. But, how could I not?
Because this time, one of the guys does something wrong in the eyes of our girls, and now we have another World War on our hands (and prepare yourself of battle girls, because they don't give up easily). More than that... like I anticipated, pur favorite couple finds themselves facing dificult times with Simon being more home than far away, and Caroline has to find a way to cope with this situation. If it was me in her place... I don't know if I would find my way in his arms again, and not thrown him to the curb, but then again that's Simon that we're talking about, so after all their history (and how sweet, caring and gorgeous Simon is) I did wanted her to chose him over everything and everyone... and she did.
I'm not going to lie... sometimes I hate dramas with all my heart, but this wasn't the case. My opinion on this matter is that if you combine the angst and fury, resentment with humor and do it well... then you have a golden mind on your hands, and Alice Clayton delivers that...
Obviously, we don't have Simon's point of view, but for a man who had a harem at his disposal, he is the perfect boyfriend a girl could want, and I didn't expect that. I thought that I would myself being disappointed about him, but I'm more than happy that it wasn't this case. More than that, Simon and Caroline's chemistry is sizzling hot with witty banter and scenes that it makes you laugh and hot in the same time. And even though that I would've wanted more Simon and Caroline's time, after everything I'm more happy that she dedicated a good portion of this book to the other characters, because in the first book I wanted more about Neil and Sophia, Ryan and Mimi.
Final Decision- If you want a book about hot neighbors, or a book about sexy photographers, or about witty and crazy designers, or about crazy couples, or about wars between members of the opposite sex, or about a cat named Clive who wants to find true love. Or if you want just a really good book, then you're in the right place. Run, don't walk and buy it! Do it for Clive!

My rating 5/5.


Cocktail series
I will let Rapunzel say it for me:

Thank you, Rapunzel!
Now about the story, but before that-for one last time...
Go Clive! Go Clive! Go Clive!

Shack that ass for us and show us your magic tricks....
You know what to read now? No?
Rusty Nailed, of course! If not for our wallbanger, then do it for Clive. He really needs to for us to read his story... ahem... Simon and Caroline's story.
So... this is the second instalment in Alice Clayton’s contemporary adult Cocktail romance series that began with Wallbanger. Girls... seriously, don't miss it, because it has everything you want to find - romance, witty banter, hotsot neighbor, ex-master of THE HAREM. This is the man who can make you drop your panties in a second with his hotness and charm. But most importantly, he's a man who wouldn't suffocate you, but also be with you in a heartbeat if you need him. Sounds like the perfect prince charming of our modern times, right?
Well... he is... until he's not. But let me explain... Carolines working crazy long hours to keep the interior design company running, especially since she's also the lead designer for the renovation of a gorgeous old hotel on Sausalito. So with her hotshot photographer boyfriend photografing the world for his job, she and Simon are heavy-duty into 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' mode and for her this is the perfect relationship. This was an aspeect I could easily relate to, because God knows how some of my relationships has ended because of my priorities, so I had known from the first moment when Simon decides to be home more, that this was going to be a problem for them.
But like always, Alice Clayton's writing makes you forget about the drama in the instant you reconnect with the group, because Neil and Sophia, Ryan and Mimi, and Jillian and Benjamin are here. And Clive. Of course there he is. Sincerely it's the first time when I go nuts everythime a cat is in the scene. Of course, it's not just any cat... he is Clive... hilarious, badass, smart-meowing Clive- like always I ADORED him and laughed at the antics and dinamics of our group. But, how could I not?
Because this time, one of the guys does something wrong in the eyes of our girls, and now we have another World War on our hands (and prepare yourself of battle girls, because they don't give up easily). More than that... like I anticipated, pur favorite couple finds themselves facing dificult times with Simon being more home than far away, and Caroline has to find a way to cope with this situation. If it was me in her place... I don't know if I would find my way in his arms again, and not thrown him to the curb, but then again that's Simon that we're talking about, so after all their history (and how sweet, caring and gorgeous Simon is) I did wanted her to chose him over everything and everyone... and she did.
I'm not going to lie... sometimes I hate dramas with all my heart, but this wasn't the case. My opinion on this matter is that if you combine the angst and fury, resentment with humor and do it well... then you have a golden mind on your hands, and Alice Clayton delivers that...
Obviously, we don't have Simon's point of view, but for a man who had a harem at his disposal, he is the perfect boyfriend a girl could want, and I didn't expect that. I thought that I would myself being disappointed about him, but I'm more than happy that it wasn't this case. More than that, Simon and Caroline's chemistry is sizzling hot with witty banter and scenes that it makes you laugh and hot in the same time. And even though that I would've wanted more Simon and Caroline's time, after everything I'm more happy that she dedicated a good portion of this book to the other characters, because in the first book I wanted more about Neil and Sophia, Ryan and Mimi.
Final Decision- If you want a book about hot neighbors, or a book about sexy photographers, or about witty and crazy designers, or about crazy couples, or about wars between members of the opposite sex, or about a cat named Clive who wants to find true love. Or if you want just a really good book, then you're in the right place. Run, don't walk and buy it! Do it for Clive!
My rating 5/5.

Cocktail series
Foarte bine alese imaginile.