Hope Trahan has everything
she wants and everyone she needs…except her sister and someone who really is
deserving of her. Who knew two separate events would turn everything completely
upside down? When her best friend drags her down to the rodeo to help clear her
head the last thing she expects is to meet a sexy, sweet talking cowboy. That's
not what she came for but fate had other things in mind.

Wesley Tyler owns two national titles and is riding his way to the next. The
day he meets Hope, he knows there's no going back. He soon learns Hope carries
ghosts with her she can't quite shake. She holds things she wishes she could
let go of. Wesley just may hold the key to helping her overcome it all. Can he
win her over and help mend her broken walls or will her past hold her down?

The story starts with Hope Trahan being dumped by her boyfriend. Honestly? It was a little obvious what their problem was from Hope and Brad's interaction. She was letting him get away with every decision! If Brad wanted her to stay home and not to go to that rodeo, she was going to let him win that argument. If he want's sex on the night she's tired and simply wants to rest, well he has his methods and she's letting him have his way with her. But... that's normal in a relationship, right? Compromise and all that stuff? Well, let me tell you what is not normal... His fiance working longer hours and always being tired, but most of all that little episode when his phone rings and he simply stops their lovemaking to respond....
Like I said, it was a little obvious and I was expecting the outcome of their relationship. On the other part what has been a surprise, was Wesley Tyler. Probably you ask yourself why I just said that it was a surprise for me, even though he is mentioned in the blurb. Well... even though I expected his involvement in this story, I was a little shocked by his traits. He isn't arrogant, or egocentric, even though he's famous and very good-looking., he's gentle and very trusting, at least in the start when Hope can't do anything wrong in his eyes. And her comes my problem... if Hope's trust in Brad was shattered, why did she, constantly, was crying after him, and she finds herself in a situation to betray Wes's trust. Seriously, guys! That's not cool!
I was a little angry and I simply couldn't find anything realistic on this situation, because if you are betrayed by the loved one once, who is it to say that he can pull the same shit on you twice?! Anyway, that was my major problem with her character, but she redeems herself in the rest of this story.
Honestly, Hope and Wes's story was very beautiful and sweet, but both of them has more problems to resolve and walls to destroy. You can imagine that after this turn of their relationship, neither of them are ready to start their involvement so easily and both of them has to find something to fight for- but their feelings are strong enough to let them find their happy ending...
The story is narrated from Hope's perspective, so we hear her motives for all her bad choices, but we also hear her how attracted to Wes she is, and how she will do anything to be with the man she loves. But, we can't hurry to judge her so easily, because she had more problems than just her relationship with Brad, and she has to overcome all her insecurities to find herself.
Wesley Tyler- he has a problematic relationship with his father, Nolan, who is quite the jerk when we first met him. Nolan that is! Not Wesley, he's a sweetheart from the beginning to the end. I really loved his sweet and caring nature. He isn't pushing Hope to do something that she's not ready for. He's trying to be with her, even though she's obviously shattered and has more ghost in her closet than she thought so.He's ready to do anything for her, even to give up his career to be with her and his little family, because he love her so much- can you imagine this swoon-worthy male character... well let me tell you that he can obtain easily from anyone quite the sighs, being his panty-melting sweet man that he is!
Hope Trahan - she can make you hate her easily naive little self so easily, but in the same time she can make you want to hug her and be the one to tell her that everything will be okay and she simply has to trust her feelings for Wes and fight for him!
Hope had a sister, Karlee who was like her other part, and not just a sister. Karlee was the one who would win Hope's fights with Brad. Karlee was the one to stand on her toes and tell him to go to the end of the world and let her sister be herself...
But all that changes in the blink of the eye and now Hope is lost without her...
Until she meets Wes and she finds a purpose in life. A purpose that will give her the strength she needs to fight with Nolan for Wes and for her future...
Final Verdict- A story about sweet cowboys and their women. No! Not just that! It's a story about finding yourself after a failed relationship and finding the strength you need to love again, and more importantly to trust again in the loved one...
My rating: 4/5
Happy Reading!

“Excuse me ladies.” The voice comes from nowhere and I look around spotting Amber first with her jaw on the ground. She’s speechless, this never happens with her. My eyes roam to find what’s got her in a comatose state and standing right in front of us is a guy in Wranglers so tight it should be a crime and a baby blue dress shirt with those snap buttons. This guy is playing this cowboy part a little too seriously. His boots are even worn like they are the only pair of shoes he owns. Oh brother, is he kidding me? I roll my eyes while Amber's jaw is still on the floor.
She slowly closes her mouth and manages a weak smile. “Hi.”
My eyes feel like they are constantly rolling, this is a damn joke. We’re next at the concession stand and I lean forward asking for a Bud Light. The girl hands me a big plastic cup filled to the brim. Thank you God. I take a big sip letting the cool liquid slide down my throat. I look back to see he’s still standing there and he’s looking at me. Practically staring. His green eyes are sparkling like emeralds and it takes a second before I’m able to tear mine away.
“I’m Wesley.” That drawl in his voice is almost making me swoon but I stop it. He extends his hand out to me. I can practically hear Amber scoff and I’m agreeing with her. Why isn’t this guy talking to her? I am nowhere near ready to speak to another guy.
Baffled, I just stand there trying to decipher what’s going on. “I’m Amber, this is Hope.” Amber interjects and I shoot daggers at her begging her to shut up. She’s smiling, and I know exactly what she’s doing.
“Nice to meet you Hope. I won’t bite, I swear. I may nibble and that’s it.” Oh man Wesley sure has some nerve! I’m rolling my eyes again and I’m really praying he doesn’t notice because I’m not trying to be rude.
“Nice to meet you too,” I mumble.

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