Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: girl meets player, they fall in love, player changes his ways.
It’s a good story. But it’s not our story. Ours is a lot more colorful.
When I met Dee I knew right away that she was special. When she met me, she thought I was anything but special—I was exactly like every other guy who’d screwed her over and let her down. It took some time to convince her otherwise, but turns out I can make a convincing argument when sex is at stake.
You might know where this story’s headed. But the best part isn't where we ended up.
It’s how we got there.
TAMED goes back in time to the Tangled days. But this time around, it’s not Drew dishing out the advice and opinions—it’s his best friend Matthew, who of course is dealing with Dee Dee.
For my romanian readers, you can buy it from here.
Before you'll read my review, I want to mention that I attented a chat on Christian Grey Fan Page, where Emma Chase, being the sweetheart that she is, have replied to some of my questions and I found out...
Me: Yeah... it is (in my dreams, they are always there ) and who would you imagine playing them in a movie ? Did the movie rights have been sold? I would love to see it
Emma Chase: Film/dramatic rights are in talks For Matthew I always imagined Channing Tatum. Drew's a little harder. I think of Bradley Cooper - b/c he has that snarky, sexy charm - but the actor would have to be younger (28/29).
So there you have it, folks!! Now, who wants to see the movie?
My thoughts (Roxana):
You must know that this series is one of the best series out there even though I had some problems with the second installment of this series, Twisted, but that's because I just couldn't get over what happened with Drew and Kate, but that's because I was already invested in the characters so I was somewhat dissapointed...

But Emma Chase goes and does it again, and makes me fall in love all over again, and even more, if that is possible with Matthew, who is the best friend of Drew. He is also an investment banker and goes through women like Drew; he’s a one-night stand kind of guy, doesn't like to get involved in a relationship with women, but he likes the chase. I'll admit that I'm not a fan of this kind of jerks, but Matthew is very different from those kinds of characters and when we meet Dee Dee, introduced by Kate, Drew’s girlfriend to their group of friends... well, we know that Matthew's days as a womanizer are long past gone, because our boy instantly becomes smitten with the weird and intelligent woman.
For those of us who got to know the characters of Matthew and Dee Dee in the previous two books, Tamed reveals a new side of Tangled, but though the eyes and voices of Dee Dee and Matthew, who becomes our heroes, instead of Kate and Drew, and while I loved them both with all my heart, they were intense and a little angsty, but within Tamed, not only we relax a little, but we also see why Dee Dee and Matthew acted that way and the icing of the cake is the fact that we see their past (well, at least we get a glimpse of it) and because the two main characters are so close to Kate and Drew, we’re also given a glimpse into their pasts as well, and we really get an idea of the depth of the relationships between the different groups in this intermingled relationship.
Tamed is written in Matthew’s point of view so it, and presents more or less events from Tangled (for those of you who didn't like it, this is your chance to read see another side of that story from a couple a little less angsty), but I'm not going to lie, Matthew IS a bit of a misogynistic pig, much like his best friend, but we begin to see him change over the course of Tamed, and realize that there is a lot more to life than disposable relationships.
Let's talk a little about Dee Dee, shall we?
“My life changed about four weeks ago, on a normal, average day-when i met a girl who was anything but average.”

Well, Dee Dee is a lot like Matthew, and I'm very serious when I say that, so if any of you wants to find another Anastasia Steele's replica, then this is not your place. She also is a one-night stand kind of girl, rarely having another night the same man twice, but I understod her, after finding more about her past. She has a style all her own, and you would bet on your own life that she is a escort or something like that, instead of a chemist well paid within NASA. She is best friends with Kate and is Billy’s (Kate’s ex-boyfriend), cousin.

Because both of them loves to have sex, but without the complications of a relationship, Matthew and Dee Dee decides to go out on a date and obviously, because of their attraction, they hook up. That's the moment when Matthew notices that Dee Dee is very different than other women, she is a direct, easy to talk to, and incredibly smart, and almost without their consent, they realize they might be deep in this time with their feelings born between them, but Dee Dee is still not ready to let anyone get close and with Matthew's record she is convinced that a possible future relationship is doomed from the start. But once those two decide to try out a relationship, she runs every time they hit a bump in the road.That frustrates me, because from some reason I can't understand why she would run so many times when it was obvious that Matthew adores her?
But when you think about her past, you are more indulgent. Besides, after all the hearts broken by Matthew in his past, doesn't he deserves a little payback?
“She wants excitement, spontaneity, but a part of her-the part that’s been dicked around by one too many pricks in the past-craves reliability. Honesty. Truth. I want to give her both. I want to be her roller coaster and her merry-go-round, her adventurer and her protector.”
“Stick around, even if you think you already know the ending. Because the greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It’s all the wild stuff that happens along the way.”
Final Decision-Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: girl meets player, they fall in love, player changes his ways. It’s a good story. But it’s not our story. Ours is a lot more colorful. Like it says in the synopsis, it's not your regular romance story, but it's not full of angs and drama, on the contrary, you'll see a beautiful, complicated but full of humor love story about two characters who learn together about growing up and to be better people, to not be afraid to get involved in a beautiful relationship, even being affected by the ghost of their past. Do I have to say that I can't wait to be published the next installment of the series, Tied, which will be released in the fall?
My rating: 5/5.
Tangled series...
About the author

By day, Emma Chase is a devoted wife and mother of two who resides in a small, rural town in New Jersey. By night she is a keyboard crusader, toiling away the hours to bring her colorful characters and their endless antics to life. She has a long standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.
Emma is an avid reader. Before her children were born she was known to consume whole books in a single day. Writing has also always been a passion and with the 2013 release of her debut romantic comedy, Tangled, the ability to now call herself an author is nothing less than a dream come true.
For those of us who got to know the characters of Matthew and Dee Dee in the previous two books, Tamed reveals a new side of Tangled, but though the eyes and voices of Dee Dee and Matthew, who becomes our heroes, instead of Kate and Drew, and while I loved them both with all my heart, they were intense and a little angsty, but within Tamed, not only we relax a little, but we also see why Dee Dee and Matthew acted that way and the icing of the cake is the fact that we see their past (well, at least we get a glimpse of it) and because the two main characters are so close to Kate and Drew, we’re also given a glimpse into their pasts as well, and we really get an idea of the depth of the relationships between the different groups in this intermingled relationship.
Let's talk a little about Dee Dee, shall we?
“My life changed about four weeks ago, on a normal, average day-when i met a girl who was anything but average.”

Well, Dee Dee is a lot like Matthew, and I'm very serious when I say that, so if any of you wants to find another Anastasia Steele's replica, then this is not your place. She also is a one-night stand kind of girl, rarely having another night the same man twice, but I understod her, after finding more about her past. She has a style all her own, and you would bet on your own life that she is a escort or something like that, instead of a chemist well paid within NASA. She is best friends with Kate and is Billy’s (Kate’s ex-boyfriend), cousin.
"Delores is a gorgeous name, for a gorgeous girl. Plus, it rhymes with clitoris…and I really know my way around them. Big fan.”
Because both of them loves to have sex, but without the complications of a relationship, Matthew and Dee Dee decides to go out on a date and obviously, because of their attraction, they hook up. That's the moment when Matthew notices that Dee Dee is very different than other women, she is a direct, easy to talk to, and incredibly smart, and almost without their consent, they realize they might be deep in this time with their feelings born between them, but Dee Dee is still not ready to let anyone get close and with Matthew's record she is convinced that a possible future relationship is doomed from the start. But once those two decide to try out a relationship, she runs every time they hit a bump in the road.That frustrates me, because from some reason I can't understand why she would run so many times when it was obvious that Matthew adores her?
But when you think about her past, you are more indulgent. Besides, after all the hearts broken by Matthew in his past, doesn't he deserves a little payback?
“She wants excitement, spontaneity, but a part of her-the part that’s been dicked around by one too many pricks in the past-craves reliability. Honesty. Truth. I want to give her both. I want to be her roller coaster and her merry-go-round, her adventurer and her protector.”
“Stick around, even if you think you already know the ending. Because the greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It’s all the wild stuff that happens along the way.”

Final Decision-Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: girl meets player, they fall in love, player changes his ways. It’s a good story. But it’s not our story. Ours is a lot more colorful. Like it says in the synopsis, it's not your regular romance story, but it's not full of angs and drama, on the contrary, you'll see a beautiful, complicated but full of humor love story about two characters who learn together about growing up and to be better people, to not be afraid to get involved in a beautiful relationship, even being affected by the ghost of their past. Do I have to say that I can't wait to be published the next installment of the series, Tied, which will be released in the fall?
My rating: 5/5.
About the author

By day, Emma Chase is a devoted wife and mother of two who resides in a small, rural town in New Jersey. By night she is a keyboard crusader, toiling away the hours to bring her colorful characters and their endless antics to life. She has a long standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.
Emma is an avid reader. Before her children were born she was known to consume whole books in a single day. Writing has also always been a passion and with the 2013 release of her debut romantic comedy, Tangled, the ability to now call herself an author is nothing less than a dream come true.
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