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03 October 2012

Review: Frost by Kate Avery Ellison


      by Kate Avery Ellison 

“ IT WAS COLD, the kind of cold that made bones feel brittle and hands ache. “

Misterul şi fiorii reci ai iernii coboară uşor pe spatele meu, cuprinzându-mi încet tot corpul.
Un ţinut, un nume care mi-se învârte în cap… “ Frost “ un sat…Iceliss, care ascunde multe secrete.

“ The stories that passed into our village told of arrested citizens, of public brutality, of wealthy who tormented the poor and prisoners who were forced to work as slaves. It was a cruel, cold land of advanced technology and regressed morality. Mothers told their children to be good or the Farthers would steal them away. “

Părerea mea: O carte foarte bună! Încă de la început am fost propulsată la propriu într-un peisaj îngheţat, într-o poveste, care se anunţa a fi una plină de neunoscut. Şi aşa a şi fost!

“My family called me Gabe.” I didn’t want to know his name. I didn’t want that kind of contraband information in my head. But there it—and he—was.

Ea se ocupa de fratele ei geamăn şi sora ei mai mică. Cu doi părinţi morţi şi o cotă care trebuia respectată Lia Wever a lăsat dragostea pe planul doi…dar toate acestea până când l-a cunoscut pe el.

“ I felt hollowed out and filled up again as our gazes collided—mine and this Farther from beyond the edge of my world—and then his eyes shut as he passed out again, and I was released from the spell of them. “

Un străin în ţinuturile îngheţate era ceva nou. Cetăţenii din Frost au fost instruiţi să se teamă de aceştia, dar inimii nu-i poţi comanda. Într-un gest de nesăbuinţă fata, împreună cu sora ei mai mică, îl salvează şi-l îngrijesc pe străin.

“ If the village Elders found out, we would be severely punished, perhaps even lose the farm. “

Sentimentele Liei pentru el sunt din ce în ce mai puternice, dar aceasta încearcă să şi-le reprime pentru că este o iubire interzisă.

“ In that moment, we were not a Farther and a Frost girl. We were just two people, and I was astonished at how easy it was to forget that there were any other barriers between us. “

Zilele treceau, iar Gabe se simţea din ce în ce mai bine, dar dragostea fetei pentru el creştea pe zi ce trece mai mult.

“It’s my father,” she said, wiping at her eyes. “And the Farthers. Oh, Lia. He works for them.”

Când sătenii află de existenţa unui străin printre ei şi când primarul le dă voie celorlalţi străini să-l caute, Lia începe să aibă dubii în legătură cu grija, pe care le-o poartă primarul sătenilor.
Străinii caută prin toate casele, inclusiv la ferma fetei, dar Gabe stătea bine ascuns într-o trapă secretă din hambar.
Dezamăgiţi şi nervoşi aceştia intră în pădure, inconştienţi de faptul că soarele apunea curând şi Privitorii ieşeau la vânătoare.

“She said only that it was an ancient thing, part of a ruin found deep in the Frost. She called it Echlos.”

“You’re right,” he said. “It’s not safe for you if I stay. And there’s no life for me here.” “I know,” I said. “I know all of that. But knowing doesn’t make it easier.” He kissed me at first like he was afraid I’d break, and then he kissed me like it was the last thing he’d ever do.

Lia realizează că trebuie să-i salveze viaţa băiatului pe care îl iubeşte şi reuşeşte să găsească ce-a de-a doua parte a hărţii către Echols. Acolo se află o poartă prin care străinii, care vor să plece din Aeralis găsesc adăpost.

“Have you ever heard of an organization called the Thorns?” Shivers ran up and down my arms. I just stared at her. “They oppose the Farthers and their cruelty, and they help people escape Aeralis. My father says that some of the people in our village work with them, although he won’t tell me who he suspects. The Farthers know of their existence, but they don’t know who they are or they’d kill them all. Some of the villagers, Lia! I’m scared. What’s going to happen to us?”

Singurii, care ştiu de existenţa porţii sunt cei din clanul Thorns, clan din care făceau parte şi părinţii Liei şi ai lui Adam Brewer.
Respiraţia mea a luat-o la vale pentru că nu-mi venea să cred, că Lia trebuia să ceară ajutorul celui, pe care-l crede vinovat de moartea părinţilor ei.

 “Calling them accusations implies that you feel they are not true. My parents are dead, Adam. Dead! That has not been fabricated. And they were helping your father with his quota when it happened. He left them in the forest alone with his barrels while he went back for more. He didn’t report them missing to the Elders. Can you deny it?”

 “There used to be many of them in this world, but they’re all gone now. All but this one, at a place called Echlos. Few know it is here. It has much power, but the Farthers can’t touch it because the Watchers guard it,” Adam said.

Adam, Lia, Gabe şi Abel, fratele lui Adam pornesc la lăsarea nopţii spre Echols. În pădure dau peste corpul străiniilor, care intraseră pe timpul zilei în pădure, sfâşiate de către Privitori. Odată ajunşi la poartă, Adam şi Abel deschid poarta care trebuia să-l ducă pe Gabe într-un loc sigur.

“ I saw it—a ripple of movement against the dark, a rustle of fur and feathers and a squeal that sounded like metal against metal. “
“ My people called them Watchers.
For some reason, the flowers turned them away. “

Înainte să-şi poată lua la revedere o figură stranie apare dintre copaci, ţinând în mână un pistol. Persoana respectivă mărturiseşte că i-a omorât Liei părinţii şi că s-a bucurat să facă asta. Din nefericire pentru persoana respectivă, energia porţii a atras Privitorii, care aparent l-au omorât…
Ceilalţi formează un cerc şi pun în jurul lor flori de zăpadă. Singura protecţie în faţa acelor creaturi.

“Have you ever felt that it’s just too dangerous to love people?”

Când cei patru se află la adăpost Gabe şi Lia îşi spun rămas bun, iar poarta îl absoarbe într-o lume total necunoscută.
Debusolată şi sfăşiată de durere Lia nu ştie dacă îl va mai vedea vreodată pe băiatul de care este îndrăgostită…
Oare cât poate dăinui dragostea celor doi?

“ What had happened? Where had he gone? He could be anywhere now. He could be dead. “

“ Love is a perilous dance too, you see. And if we stop dancing, we’ll die. Don’t ever stop dancing.”

English Version:

The mystery and the coldness of the winter are easily getting down o my spine, gathering all my senses together and bringing my body to life. A land and a name which is spinning in my head... “Frost” – a village... Iceliss, the place where great secrets are being hidden.

“ The stories that passed into our village told of arrested citizens, of public brutality, of wealthy who tormented the poor and prisoners who were forced to work as slaves. It was a cruel, cold land of advanced technology and regressed morality. Mothers told their children to be good or the Farthers would steal them away. “

My thoughts (Simo): A very good book! Right from the beginning I have been taken to a landscape of ice, in a story that is going to be filled with unknown. And it was like that!
“My family called me Gabe.” I didn’t want to know his name. I didn’t want that kind of contraband information in my head. But there it—and he—was.

She was taking care of her twin brother and her little sister. With their parents dead and a cote that had to be respected – Lia Wever left love on second place, but all these until she met him.
“ I felt hollowed out and filled up again as our gazes collided—mine and this Farther from beyond the edge of my world—and then his eyes shut as he passed out again, and I was released from the spell of them. “

A stranger in the cold lands was something new. The ones living in Frost have been instructed to be afraid of the strangers, but you cannot tell the heart what to do. In a reckless gesture, the girl, together with her little sister, save him and take care of his wounds.
“ If the village Elders found out, we would be severely punished, perhaps even lose the farm. “

Lia’s feelings for him are becoming more and more powerful, but she is trying to pull them back because it’s a forbidden love.

“ In that moment, we were not a Farther and a Frost girl. We were just two people, and I was astonished at how easy it was to forget that there were any other barriers between us. “

Days were passing and Gabe was feeling more and more comfortable and better, but girl’s love for him was growing with every single day.
“It’s my father,” she said, wiping at her eyes. “And the Farthers. Oh, Lia. He works for them.”

When the villagers find out about the stranger’s existence and when the mayor gives them the permission to the other strangers to look for him, Lia starts to have second-thoughts about the caring the mayor is holding for the villagers.

The strangers are searching for him in all the houses, including the girl’s farm, but Gabe was sitting very well hidden in a hidden hole from the place where the food was being kept.Disappointed and starting to get mad, they enter the woods, unconscious about the fact that the sun was setting down quite soon and the Watchers where getting out to hunt.

“She said only that it was an ancient thing, part of a ruin found deep in the Frost. She called it Echlos.”

“You’re right,” he said. “It’s not safe for you if I stay. And there’s no life for me here.” “I know,” I said. “I know all of that. But knowing doesn’t make it easier.” He kissed me at first like he was afraid I’d break, and then he kissed me like it was the last thing he’d ever do.
Lia realises that she has to save the life of the boy she’s in love with and she succeeds to find the second half of the map to Echols. There is being a portal that holds the safe place for the strangers who wants to leave Aeralis.
“Have you ever heard of an organization called the Thorns?” Shivers ran up and down my arms. I just stared at her. “They oppose the Farthers and their cruelty, and they help people escape Aeralis. My father says that some of the people in our village work with them, although he won’t tell me who he suspects. The Farthers know of their existence, but they don’t know who they are or they’d kill them all. Some of the villagers, Lia! I’m scared. What’s going to happen to us?”

The only ones who know about the existence of the portal are the ones from the Thorn clan, a clan from which were being a part Lia’s parents and Adam Brewer’s parents.
My breath was getting caught in my throat reading that she has to ask for help the one who is supposed to have killed her parents.

 “Calling them accusations implies that you feel they are not true. My parents are dead, Adam. Dead! That has not been fabricated. And they were helping your father with his quota when it happened. He left them in the forest alone with his barrels while he went back for more. He didn’t report them missing to the Elders. Can you deny it?”

 “There used to be many of them in this world, but they’re all gone now. All but this one, at a place called Echlos. Few know it is here. It has much power, but the Farthers can’t touch it because the Watchers guard it,” Adam said.
Adam, Lia, Gabe and Abel – Adam’s brother – get on road at nightfall to Echols. In the woods they find the bodies from all the strangers whom were supposed to bring Gabe in a safe place.

“ I saw it—a ripple of movement against the dark, a rustle of fur and feathers and a squeal that sounded like metal against metal. “
“ My people called them Watchers.
For some reason, the flowers turned them away. “

Before saying goodbye, a strange body comes from the woods holding a gun. That person confess that he killed Lia’s parents and enjoyed doing it. Without words the energy from the portal gathered the Watchers together, killing that person.
The others are forming a circle and put around them ice-flowers. The only protection in front of those creatures - Watchers. 
                                    “Have you ever felt that it’s just too dangerous to love people?”

When the four of them are safe, Gabe and Lia are saying goodbye and the gate takes him to a totally unknown world. Shattered by pain, Lia does not know if she will ever see him again. The boy she fell in love with. How long can the love between them stay alive?

“ What had happened? Where had he gone? He could be anywhere now. He could be dead. “

“ Love is a perilous dance too, you see. And if we stop dancing, we’ll die. Don’t ever stop dancing.”

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