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27 September 2014

Tag: Back to school

Fetele din blogosferă, Gabriela (Cioburi de vise), Cristina (Healthy Reading), Andreea şi Diana (Anddeea) au fost atât de drăguţe, încât să ne tag-uiască şi pe noi. Desi, suntem puţin cam întârziate, vom onora această leapşă şi, mai departe, dorim să le provocăm pe fetele de la Literatură pe tocuri, The land of books, Surorile Bibliotecă, Books are magic, Despre cărţi, Larisa's Escape, Mădălina's Books şi tuturor celor care mai doresc.


1. Încorporaţi imaginea tag-ului în postarea voastră.

2. Daţi tag-ul mai departe.

3. Nu menţionaţi aceleaşi cărţi de două ori.

4. Postaţi link-ul cu leapşa completată pe blogul Padeniye, mai exact AICI.
1. Română: Luaţi cartea preferată de anul acesta şi deschideţi-o la pagina 100, alineatul al treilea. Scrieţi mai jos ceea ce se află acolo, menţionând de unde aţi luat fragmentul.
LexiL: "Inspir adânc, apoi expir, pregătindu-mă să fac un lucru pe care nu-l fac prea des. Să-mi cer scuze. Dacă n-aş fi atât de încăpăţânată, aş putea chiar să recunosc că tot comportamentul meu acuzator de săptămâna asta a fost de-a dreptul jignitor, şi că el are tot dreptul din lume să fie supărat pe mine, pentru că sunt atât de ignorantă. Aşa că, în loc de asta, prefer o scuză scurtă şi drăguţă. “ - Fără Speranţă de Colleen Hoover
Simona: „Mă gândeam, îmi revedeam amintirile cu un ochi inchizitorial, analizând retrospective gândurile şi atitudinile unora, mă informam ce se întâmplase cu ei. Miranda, nu am aici timpul necesar să îţi expun pistele mele, pistele false, pe scurt acest ghem de raţionamente care m-a determinat să-l bănuiesc pe acest băiat mai degrabă decât pe altul, mă limitez la concluzie: un anumit Maxime de Sire a anunţat Gestapo-ul unde ne ascundeam.”- „Cei doi domni din Bruxelles” de Eric - Emmanuel Schmitt.

Andreea: "Inspir adânc, apoi expir, pregătindu-mă să fac un lucru pe care nu-l fac prea des." - "Fără speranţă" de Colleen Hoover
Laura: "- Te-ai trezit? Întreb ridicându-mi bărbia, poate mă va auzi acolo, în spate. Nu răspunde şi mă ridic să-l văd. Binenţeles că, acum, este conectat. Sunt puţin surprinsă că nu pot auzi muzica bubuind din căşti." - "Niciodată împreună?" de J.A. Redmerski
2. Geografie: Aţi citit anul acesta (sau în decursul a doi ani) vreo carte cu o copertă verde, sau care să aibă pe ea ceva legat de natură? Dacă da, puneţi o fotografie cu ea.
LexiL: Jocurile Foamei e unica ce îmi vine în minte Frunzele alea verzi de pun.

3. Istorie: Vă plac bibliografiile sau cărţile care tratează ceva din istorie? Care este ultima carte pe care aţi citit-o, care să urmărească astfel de subiecte?
LexiL: Nu citesc nici unul din genurile menţionate. Dacă am făcut-o a fost pentru şcoală.

Simona: Sunt rare cărţile cu subiect istoric care mă atrag, dar una dintre ele a fost aceasta:

Andreea: O materie pe care am ajuns să o urăsc! Ăăă...cred că "Alias Grace" de Margaret Atwood se potriveşte perfect aici.
Laura: "Printre tonuri cenuşii" de Ruta Sepety

4. Sport: Să faci sport este un lucru benefic corpului, te împrospătează şi-ţi dă o stare fresh după; în ciuda faptului că eşti obosit de mori, tot te vei simţi mai bine. Ce carte fresh, uşor de citit, aţi lecturat, şi care v-a plăcut?
LexiL: Rock Chick de Kristen Ashley e cartea ideală pentru aşa ceva. De fapt, întreaga serie merită pomenită aici; e şi una din preferatele mele.

Simona: Am zburat la propriu prin această carte.

Andreea: "Nici moartă, nici măritată" de MaryJanice Davidson. O carte uşor de digerat şi care te poate binedispune.

Laura: "Intimidare" de Penelope Douglas

5. Matematică: Chiar dacă matematica nu este o materie agreată de multă lume, tot trebuie să o faci, chiar dacă durează mai mult timp să o înţelegi. La ce carte ţi-ar fi foarte greu să renunţi, pentru a învăţa?
LexiL: Nu cred că există aşa ceva pentru că mereu îmi fact timp să citesc. Nu, serios, chiar nu pot să mă concentrez la învăţat dacă îmi tot vin flashback-uri dintr-o carte. De obicei când am aşa o carte mă apuc de învăţat devreme şi stau până pe la 3-4 noaptea că să termin cartea. Una din ele a fost "Ignite Me" de Tehereh Mafi pe care o fluturam întruna în timp ce învăţam pentru teză.

Simona: Atunci când am citit această carte, toate celelalte lucruri, care mă distrăgeau de la ea erau eliminate din aria mea vizuală:

Andreea: Sincer, eu agreez matematica. Chiar îmi place! Sunt multe cărţi la care n-aş putea să renunţ, printre care şi "E uşor să te iubesc" de Tammara Webber. #TeamLucas :3

Laura: "50 de umbre ale lui Grey" de EL James

6. Desen: Să desenzi, să pictezi, a fost mereu o activitate care te relaxa în timpul generalei, dar chiar şi în liceu pentru unii. Culorile îţi dădeau imaginaţie, aşa că: Ce copertă a unei cărţi o urăşti din tot sufletul, şi ai vrea să o schimbi, dacă ai avea ocazia?
LexiL: Nu am întâlnit anul acesta vreo copertă care să sară în evidenţă datorită acestui fapt, dar nu mi-a prea plăcut cea a cărţii If I stay (cea cu albastru).

Simona: Cartea aceasta este superbă, dar coperta nu te atrage cu nimic:

Andreea: Îmi place foarte mult să desenez, deşi n-am mai făcut asta de ceva vreme. Clar, trebuie să recuperez! Deocamdată n-am dat peste o astfel de copertă. Dar nu e timp pierdut, nu?

Laura: "Delirium" de Lauren Oliver

7. Biologie: Tuturor ne plac animalele, şi nu cred că există cineva care să nu iubească un animal, oricât de drăguţ sau înspăimântător ar fi el. Postaţi mai jos o imagine a unei cărţi în care apar astfel de vietăţi.
LexiL: Prima carte ce îmi vine în minte e Rock Chick Redemption, şi labradorul superb al lui Hank. ^_^
Simona: Un animal periculos, dar drăguţ atunci când este pui. Tigrul din:

Andreea: "Uneori sub clar de lună" - Heather Davis

Laura: "Blestemul lupilor - Umbra nopţii" de Andrea Cremer

8. Engleză: Mulţi cititori au în bibliotecă literatură internaţională, aşa că presupun că printre sumedeniile de cărţi, se strecoară şi un autor preferat. Ce scriitor american sau englez vă place cel mai mult? Descrieţi-i ideile în trei cuvinte, sau modul de-a scrie.
LexiL: De ceva timp autoarea mea preferată, să îi zic aşa, e Colleen Hoover. I-aşi descrie stilul de a scrie ca fiind complex, stilat, profund şi cuprinzător.

Simona: Penelope Douglas, are un stil extraordinar de a scrie. Te ţine cu sufletul la gură până la ultima pagină, parcă eşti conectat la viteză maximă de personaje şi de povestea lor. Ideile ei variază în funcţie de subiectul pe care vrea să-l abordeze în acea carte.
Andreea: Richelle Mead, deoarece cărţile ei au multă acţiune, mister, momente amuzante şi pline de romantism, iar asta ador la ele. Îmi place cum îşi conturează personajele, care îţi rămân adânc întipărite în minte şi sunt devotate prietenilor, fără să ceară nimic în schimb. Autoarea are un stil uşor de înţeles şi face dintr-o poveste aparent banală, ceva minunat.
Laura: Veronica Roth - tânără, inteligentă, ştie cum să atragă cititorii, are un stil aparte (în special atunci când vorbim despre finalul din Allegiant)

9. Muzică: Să asculţi muzică este ceva relaxant, care te face să zâmbeşti, iar cea împletită cu cititul este cu atât mai bună. Aveţi vreo carte care să vă fi făcut să cântaţi (la figurat) de fericire, atunci când aţi terminat-o? Sau o melodie care să o fi descoperit în vreo carte?
LexiL: "Maybe Someday" de Colleen Hoover e singura carte în care autoarea actualmente, a compus melodii. Mi se pare incredibilă chestia asta. Ascultaţi playlist-ul cărţii interpretat de Griffin Peterson.

Simona: Am descoperit această melodie în Infernul lui Gabriel:

Andreea: Ador să ascult muzică, indiferent de activitatea pe care o fac. O melodie pe care am descoperit-o este "Hardliners - Holcombe Waller" ("Easy" - Tammara Webber).

Laura: "Niciodată împreună" de J.A. Redmerski - melodia: Dust in the wind - Kansas

10. Dorinţă: Sunt ferm convinsă că există o carte pe care vă doriţi foarte mult să puneţi mâna. Care este aceea şi de ce vreţi atât de mult să o citiţi?
LexiL: Sunt multe carţi ce stau de o bună bucată de timp în lista de aşteptare, dar mereu apare ceva mai nou şi mai interesant. Exerciţii de Echilibru e una din cărţile pe care vreau să le citesc de vreun an şi tot nu am reuşit să pun mâna pe ea.

Simona: Ultimul volum din seria "Fall Away" de Penelope Douglas, sunt foarte curioasă să văd cum se încheie această călătorie incredibilă.

Andreea: Vreau să pun mâna pe seria "Bloodlines" de Richelle Mead. Nu cred că ar trebui să mai enumăr motivele pentru care o doresc. :D

Laura: "Pe strada Londra" de Samantha Young deoarece îmi place stilul autoarei şi pentru că am auzit doar cuvinte frumoase despre acest roman.

22 September 2014

Review: Taming My Prince Charming (Finding My Prince Charming #2) by J.S. Cooper

Taming My Prince Charming (Finding My Prince Charming #2) by J.S. Cooper

When Lola met Xavier, Prince of Romerius, she was immediately attracted to his dark, handsome good looks and sparkling green eyes. She spent a whirlwind weekend with him and almost fell for his charm, until he humiliated her and she fled.

Lola wasn't prepared to find out that Xavier was her new professor and her new boss. She also wasn't prepared for the sparks that flew every time they were together. When Xavier takes her on a work trip, she is shocked when they are mobbed by the paparazzi and agrees to go to Romerius with Xavier to pretend she is his fiancé.

Only Lola had no idea that Xavier had a master plan from the moment he met her. He wanted a week to make her his, so that he could get her out of his system. Only Xavier had no idea that fate had another plan for him.

My thoughts (Roxana):

You already know how much I love J.S.Cooper's books by now, but I was a little dissapointed with this new installment in the Finding My Prince Charming. Don't get me wrong, I'll still read the next one and after the cliffhanger ending of this book, I can't wait for it!

But one of the reason was that I wished to find out more about the Prince Kingdoom.. I mean, think about it... if you were wisked away in a contry of your boyfriend, wouldn't you want to find out more about it, about her traditions, about his relation with his citizens, or about the politics? I'm not a person who loves political debates, seriously I'm not, guys!

But... yes, I would love it even if we find out more about his family relation with their citizens, or about his family...but, the good part is the fact that we focus more on his relationship with Lola...

Even if it's not really a relationship because our favorite Prince is very stuborn and still insist that he can have his way with her for a while to get her out of his system. Ha! If that's even possible with their attraction... but he's trying...

Lola doesn't know about his agenda so she's really excited to be with him in his country, in his home...
As we get to know his family, we find out nothing is as it seems, even more than that some members of his family have their own dark secrets....

It's still all about sex and denial, still hot and cold, because Xavier wants to protect her from himself and his dark needs while Lola just wants him!
We find out out how dark are his needs when he takes her to this club, where a world of passion and hot sex are revealed to Lola, but we also see Xavier approach about his feeling and his needs, because he sure wouldn't put them both words in the same sentence!

Another reason for my dissapointment was Lola... I expected her several times during this book to make her baggage and go back to Londra... I mean... I love Xavier though tick and thin, but he's still such a jerk, so some of his antics would not have been  valued by old Lola, even more she would have so kicked him in the shins while letting him have a piece of her mind...

But... she';s falling for him and her feelings have changed her somewhat, so I kind of understand why she had this submissive vibe with him. He also changed a little, but like a I said it's hard to face everything when your world is turned upside down by your student...

Final Decision: Sometimes you're faced with  decisions hard to make. Some of us take the easy way and give everything they have, consequences be damned. Others run from them and hide behind mask of indifference. But how do you know that you've made the good choice?
You don't. You'll just have to face them sooner or later, even if you don't like it.

My Rating: 4/5

About the Author:

J. S. Cooper is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. She is a true romantic that is in love with love. The J. S. stands for Jaimie Suzi. She just thought J. S. sounded cooler! J. S. was born in London, England and moved to the States at age 17. She studied history in college and then went to law school and then decided to follow her writing dreams. J. S. writes ‘New Adult’ contemporary romance books because that is what she also loves to read.

Please join J. S. Cooper on her facebook page if you enjoy her books here: If you wish to get in contact, please email her at

Website ~ Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Instagram Goodreads

21 September 2014

Finding My Prince Charming (Finding My Prince Charming #1) by J.S. Cooper

Finding My Prince Charming (Finding My Prince Charming #1) by J.S. Cooper

Can a Playboy Prince ever be tamed?
When Lola Franklin decided to study abroad she never anticipated embarking on a whirlwind weekend romance with a hot guy before classes started.
And she certainly never counted on the hot guy being her new professor. Or a Prince. Or the biggest asshole she had ever met.
Xavier Van Romerius is the playboy Prince of Europe and he loves his life. He doesn’t do relationships, and never wants to get married. But when he see’s Lola Franklin flirting with his little brother Casper, he realizes that maybe he needs to rethink his ideas about love before the wrong Prince gets the girl.

My thoughts (Roxana):

Like in Rhett's case the prince charming is anything but... charming, but here comes the good side his a royal one, and I'm not speaking figuratively. Let's start with the beginning, shall we?

Lola Franklin is student from abroad who just wants to study and lead a normal life with friends and maybe even find her Prince Charming, even though she doesn't believe in true love. Yes, she's a walking contradiction. But she's also one sassy, tough cookie who doesn't let people walk over her that's way she's crossing swords with Xavier Van Romerius, a guy she can't stand, but she can't help to find herself drawn to him. So this is the moment when a tango between those two begin...

But not all is milk and honey, because like I already said Xavier is a jerk used getting what he wants ad to treat women even worse than Rhett if that's possible. Neither Lola is an inocent flower. Oh no, she gives him Hell every time they met and it's often, because Xavier is not only a Crown Prince, he's also her professor. Yep... you heard me right... he's her professor so that's bound to bring them problems if their affairs come to light. But fortunately for Lola it was just a one-night stand, right?

She finds against their atraction, but it's hard to do it, no pun intended, when Xavier is so decided to get in her pants! And his one a hot, amazing, funny jerk- seriously it was so funny watching him how he thought that he's the master of this world. 

But underneath of all his bad layers, there is a soul who would love to protect, care, possess with every fiber of his being for Lola, but he can't let that side come out because he's the Prince of Romerius, and a prince doesn't submit to any woman. Yes, he has to get a lection about how to treat a woman...

I'll admit I wasn't been his number one fan but I also loved him because he's that kind of character to inspire a love-hate emotion in readers. I know that some people really hated him, but I was charmed with this arrogant, conceited and funny jerk, so I think you should give him  a chance to prove himself.

But, please keep in mind that this story is a short one, so don't expect the drama going lengths and lengths with it, so is really short, sweet, somewhat with angs and sexy with two heroes who goes from strangers having a one-night stand to souls trying to find each other as soulmates...

Final Decision: Even though this is short, almost like a novella, it's full of feelings and romance. Some romantic stories starts with a simply look. Others start during a friendsip. But some starts with in inapropiate one-night stand that evolves in so much more, even if the couple is not ready to be swept of their feet, that's when troubles begin and sometimes you just got to let it go.

My Rating: 4,5/5

About the Author:

J. S. Cooper is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. She is a true romantic that is in love with love. The J. S. stands for Jaimie Suzi. She just thought J. S. sounded cooler! J. S. was born in London, England and moved to the States at age 17. She studied history in college and then went to law school and then decided to follow her writing dreams. J. S. writes ‘New Adult’ contemporary romance books because that is what she also loves to read.

Please join J. S. Cooper on her facebook page if you enjoy her books here: If you wish to get in contact, please email her at

Website ~ Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Instagram ~ Goodreads

Review: Rhett (Rhett #1) by J.S. Cooper

Rhett (Rhett #1) by J.S. Cooper 

I’m Rhett.
I’m cocky because I can be. I’ve got it all: the looks, the money, the endurance. I’m the guy that every girl wants to be with, yet none of them have ever been able to tie me down.
I don’t do love. I don’t do relationships. And I sure as hell will never do marriage.
I’m all about the fast life and everything that entails. There’s a different woman in my bed every week. My friends are jealous of me. My enemies envy me. Everyone wants my life. And everything in my life is absolutely perfect.

Until the day she told me she was moving away. She’s my best friend. She was my first kiss in grade school. We share everything with each other. We never dated because I don’t love her. I don’t care that she’s moving. I don’t care that she’s moving for a guy. I don’t care because I don’t love her. I don’t do love.

I’m Rhett and I don’t let anything get me down. Then one night changed everything and everything I thought I knew was called into question.
All of a sudden, being Rhett didn’t mean so much anymore.

My thoughts (Roxana): 

Rhett is jerk. Plain and simple, but fortunately for him I love jerks, and Clemmie loves them too, or more exactly... she loves Rhett, but their story is not a fairytale and it's not simple. Rhett and Clemmie have been best friends since childhood, and even though she has been there for him, even though he was not the gentleman tipe. Oh, he has his moments when you'll fall in love with him, but in the start of this story he's conceited, infuriating and really imature. You just want to shake him, maibe even throw something at him or at least tell him some special words that my mother should not find out ever. Seriously, he thinks he's God's gift to woman kind and he treats them poorly in his misogynistics ways, and even more disturbing is the fact women loves him the way he is, without knowing his real person...

I''l be the first one to admit that he's frankly with them: "I'm not made for love." 

But still it's disturbing to know that some women like this exists out there. I'm not a feminist or anything like that but I would'n let him treat me that way. Neither would Clemmie, that's way she's made up her mind to see the world, to find out how are other guys aka dating because she doesn't want to die as a virgin. That's the moment when everything changes. When Rhett starts to realize that he's losing his best friend, he starts to see her in a new light. But thats not surprising since those two have deeper connection than most people have...

Even though Rhett is determined to make Clemmie his, that's not easy to obtain despite their connection, because Rhett hasn't been what you would call the boy next door, he hasn't been even your regular Joe... more so he doesn't know how to be a normal person and in his journey towards maturity, he makes mistakes and keeps secrets, more like just a big secret but one that could ruinate his chances wich Clemmie forever...

What could I say about Clemmie, besides that she's our hero's love interest, well she's a sweet girl, that accepts Rhett the way he is, even her family makes him a part of them. But Clemmie can't let Rhett be the center of her life, besides she wants to discover the world, to make a difference with her life and the first step is dating. But then she's swept away by Rhett and his charm. 

What I really liked about her is the fact that she remains a tough girl and will give him hell before accepting as a lover...

The story is said from Rhett's perspective, but don't fret guys, because he's not going to go easy on him so we will still judge and condemn him for his terrible ways, but also for his sweet and protective side toward Clemmie. 

Final Decision: It's a story about learning to change. Some people just want to change their world and explore it throughly. Other people want to change their friends status. And there are other people who want to change themselves in order to become someone worthy of loving. That's the most difficile change because to become a good person we will make mistakes along the way.

Rating: 5/5

About the Author:

J. S. Cooper is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. She is a true romantic that is in love with love. The J. S. stands for Jaimie Suzi. She just thought J. S. sounded cooler! J. S. was born in London, England and moved to the States at age 17. She studied history in college and then went to law school and then decided to follow her writing dreams. J. S. writes ‘New Adult’ contemporary romance books because that is what she also loves to read.

Please join J. S. Cooper on her facebook page if you enjoy her books here: If you wish to get in contact, please email her at

Website ~ Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Instagram ~ Goodreads

18 September 2014

In my mailbox (iunie, iulie, august)- partea a III-a

A sosit și timpul pentru partea a III-a, care ar putea sau nu să fie și ultima parte.... Îmi place să vă țin puțin în suspans, așa că nu vă voi spune :D
Lăsând gluma la o parte, ar trebui să trecem la treburi mai serioase, așa că acestea sunt:

Ei bine, am fost norocoasă și am câștigat câteva Gift Cards  pe Amazon așa că am hotărât să îmi cumpăr continuări ale unor diferite serii ce le ador (Vampirii din Morganville, Femei din Cealaltă Lume, Febra Neagră ). Bineînțeles, era obligatoriu să achiziționez Because of Low, pentru că ador cărțile lui Abbi Glines ;3

Dat fiind faptul că sunt mare fană a librăriei Books Express  (care vinde cărți atăt in limba engleză, cât si în limba romană), mi-am comandat (cu ceva timp în urmă) mai multe continuări ale unor seriilor din biblioteca mea. Așteptați-vă cât de curând la recenziile acestora dragilor :)

Și cam atât... pentru moment ;3

Deci... voi ce v-ați mai luat/primit/câștigat? :)

17 September 2014

Concurs sponsorizat de Okian!

Mulţumim Okian pentru această şansă incredibilă!

     Dragi cititori! Librăriei online Okian, spre marea mea bucurie, dar pun pariu că şi a voastră, sponsorizează acest concurs, care are drept premiu o carte în engleză şi un semn de carte marca Okian. De pe site-ul lor puteţi comanda cărţi în limba engleză la preţuri foarte accesibile. Dacă vreţi să aruncaţi un ochi pe promoţiile lor puteţi intra aici sau aici.

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