Book & Author details:
Path Unchosen by Kim Cleary
(Daughter of Ravenswood #1)
Publication date: September 7th 2013
Genres: Dark Fantasy, New Adult, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy
When eighteen-year-old Judy Hudson discovers she’s a necromancer and sees first-hand the pain her powers can cause the dead, she just wants to deny who she is. The zombie plague is long over. She wants to find a more normal life, but that’s a challenge when a beautiful otherworldly man, who claims to be her guardian, saves her life.
Judy tries to set right the harm she inflicted on a spirit she raised, but new zombies attack—zombies raised from among the long-time dead. Someone else just like her is out there, and he’s not trying to set anything right. To save her own life, and protect the innocent inhabitants of the nearby town who’ve become her friends, Judy has to figure out who’s raising the dead and why. She must also learn to control the darkness inside her—a seductive darkness that promises her power beyond her wildest dreams.
Kim writes urban fantasy for anyone who longs to discover they are extraordinary. She writes about hopefulness and determination, and about heroes who push through extraordinary situations and obstacles, one step at a time. Magical friends and gorgeous guys help, or hinder, in one adventure after another.
When not writing, revising, or thinking about writing, Kim gardens, plays with her dog, chats on social media, catches up with friends or cooks an Indian feast. She is a member of Writers Victoria, Romance Writers of Australia, The Alliance of Independent Authors, and a certified chocoholic.
Kim grew up in Birmingham, UK, studied medieval history and psychology at Adelaide University in South Australia and has worked all over Australia and in London. She now lives with her husband and an adorable Cocker Spaniel in Melbourne, Australia.
Tour Schedule
December 9th
December 10th
December 11th
December 12th
December 13th
December 14th
Romanian Version:
Path Unchosen este o noutate
pentru genul zombie. Epidemia zombie este mai mult sau mai puțin sfârșită,
oamenii își duc viețile în orașe mici sau sate, electricitatea este un lux de
domeniul trecutului…dar viața continuă, fiind un mix între cultura de secol XIX
și secol XX.
Judy, protagonist romanului,
și-a petrecut întreaga viață într-un orfelinat. Orfanii părăsesc orfelinatul
când împlinesc 18 ani, pleacă la slujbele promise, dar aniversarea lui Judy a
venit și a trecut deja de săptămâni întregi.
Prietena ei cea mai bună, Rose, e pe cale să se aventureze într-o viață
nouă, dar înainte de a pleca o atenționează pe Judy, și anume cum că ea l-ar fi
auzit pe Părintele Andrei vorbind cu maicile. Ei plănuiau să o păstreze pe Judy
pentru mult timp de atunci încolo, ea posedând ceva special.
Judy și Rose îi plănuiesc o
potențială evadare din orfelinat, dar Judy vrea să găsească documentele care
atestă cine era și cum a ajuns în acel loc. Ceea ce găsește nu e mai mult decât
indicii vagi, dar descoperirile ei duc spre un cimitir, unde se presupune că
acolo ar fi fost abandonată. În curând, se întâlnește cu un bărbat frumos, ce
nu pare a veni de pe pământ, și care se dovedește a fi gardianul ei magic.
Numele lui este Purah și acesta o conduce spre Ravenswood.
Aflând că este de fapt un
necroman, Judy observă ce pot cauza puterile ei morților, dar ea nu se simte în
stare să accepte realitatea. Încearcă să elimine răul făcut de un spirit,
ridicat chiar de ea, dar noi zombii atacă – zombii care sunt conduși de cineva
exact ca ea, dar care nu vrea să înfăptuiască bine.
Pentru a-și salva propria
viață și viețile celor din orașul vecin, Judy trebuie să își dea seama cine îi
trezește pe morți și de ce. De asemenea, trebuie să învețe să-și controleze
întunericul din înăuntrul ei – un întuneric seducător care îi promite puteri
peste puterea ei de înțelegere.
(Păreri Anca): Deși acțiunea
se petrece într-o distopie futuristă, povestea părea mai degrabă a fantezie
semi-istorică. Locuitorii par sigur a trăi în condiții semi-medievale.
Personajul principal, Judy, a trăit toată viața într-un orfelinat fără speranța
de a mai fi adoptată vreodată. Automat, m-a făcut să mă gândesc la un copil de
13-14 ani, nicidecum la o persoana majoră, de 18 ani.
Narațiunea nu e prea fluidă,
ce-I drept, se trece rapid de la o întâmplare la alta, nu am timp să asimilez
informația. Să zicem că poveste curge binișor, dar acțiunea în sine, e
interesantă, însă nu prea convingătoare. Undeva în incipitul cărții am fost
chiar curioasă și dornică să aflu mai multe, dar pe drum am rămas blocată și
cam plictisită. Au fost și anumite părți ale romanului, în care pot spune că
autorul nu și-a ales prea bine cuvintele, părea mult prea copilăros, dar cu
toate acestea a fost ceva bun de citit si ceva care sa ma faca sa vreau mai
Mi-au plăcut foarte mult
anumite personaje episodice, precum fantoma Eva și Lyken drăcușorul. Au
condimentat puțin acțiunea și dialogurile.
Per total: carte cu ceva
potențial, uneori copilaroasa, actiune interesanta si dialoguri frumoase.
Nota mea: 3 din 5
My thoughts (ANCA)
English Version:
Path Unchosen
is something new for the zombie genre. The zombie epidemic it is more or less extinct,
people keep living their lives in small towns or states, the electricity is a
lux that not more can have it, but life keeps going, being a mix between the
culture of the XIX century and XX century.
Judy is the main character that has spent
her entire life in an orphanage. Orphans leave the orphanage when they turn
eighteen, going to the jobs that they’ve been promised, but Judy’s anniversary
has been and passed already for weeks. Her best friend, Rose is about to get
into a new life, but before she is leaving she tells Judy that she heard father
Andrew talking to the nuns. They were planning on keeping Judy for a long time
from now on, because she was possessing something special.
Judy and Rose are planning on a
potential escaping from the orphanage, but Judy wants to find the documents
that are attesting who she was and how she has ended up in that place. What she
finds it is nothing more than vague clues, but her discoveries are leading to a
cemetery where she was supposedly abandoned. Soon she meets a handsome man that
seems to not come from this Earth that proves to be her magic guardian. His name
is Purah and he leads her to Ravenswood.
Finding out that she is actually a
necromancer, Judy observed what can cause her powers to the dead, but she is
not feeling capable of accepting the reality. She tries to eliminate the evil
done by a spirit, raised by her, but new zombies keep attacking / zombies that
are lead by someone just like her, but someone who want the bad to happen and
not the good.
To save her own life and the lives
of the next town, Judy had to figure out who is animating the dead and why. Also,
she needs to learn how to control the darkness inside of her – a darkness that
is seductive and promises powers that she cannot even understand just yet.
Even though the action is happening
in a futuristic dystopian place, the story seemed more as a fantasy
semi-historical. The living seems as if they are leading a life semi-medieval. The
main character has lived her whole life in an orphanage that she was not
thinking that she would get adopted any time soon. Automatically this made me
thinking of a child between 13-14 years old, not a young adult of 18.
The narration is not too fluent, it
is constantly happening to pass from an idea to another, not having enough time
to assimilate the information let’s say that the story is alright, but the
action itself it is interesting, but not too convincing. Somewhere in the beginning
of the book I was even curious and ready to find out more, but on the way I was
left stuck and sometimes bored. There were some passages of the book where I could
say that the author didn’t choose her words well, it was sounding childish, but
all in all it was a good read and something to look forward to.
I fell in love with some episodic
characters, like the ghost Eva and Lyken the devil. The story got spicy with
the action and the dialogues.
All in all, the book has potential,
sometimes childish, interesting action and nice dialogues.

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